import { isDescriptionSystemNote, getTimeDifferenceMinutes, collapseSystemNotes, } from '~/notes/stores/collapse_utils'; import { notesWithDescriptionChanges, collapsedSystemNotes } from '../mock_data'; describe('Collapse utils', () => { const mockSystemNote = { note: 'changed the description', note_html: '
changed the description
', system: true, created_at: '2018-05-14T21:28:00.000Z', }; it('checks if a system note is of a description type', () => { expect(isDescriptionSystemNote(mockSystemNote)).toEqual(true); }); it('returns false when a system note is not a description type', () => { expect(isDescriptionSystemNote({ ...mockSystemNote, note: 'foo' })).toEqual(false); }); it('gets the time difference between two notes', () => { const anotherSystemNote = { created_at: '2018-05-14T21:33:00.000Z', }; expect(getTimeDifferenceMinutes(mockSystemNote, anotherSystemNote)).toEqual(5); }); it('collapses all description system notes made within 10 minutes or less from each other', () => { expect(collapseSystemNotes(notesWithDescriptionChanges)).toEqual(collapsedSystemNotes); }); });