# frozen_string_literal: true module API module Helpers module Packages module Npm include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ::API::Helpers::PackagesHelpers NPM_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS = { package_name: API::NO_SLASH_URL_PART_REGEX }.freeze def endpoint_scope params[:id].present? ? :project : :instance end def project strong_memoize(:project) do case endpoint_scope when :project user_project when :instance # Simulate the same behavior as #user_project by re-using #find_project! # but take care if the project_id is nil as #find_project! is not designed # to handle it. project_id = project_id_or_nil not_found!('Project') unless project_id find_project!(project_id) end end end def project_or_nil # mainly used by the metadata endpoint where we need to get a project # and return nil if not found (no errors should be raised) strong_memoize(:project_or_nil) do next unless project_id_or_nil find_project(project_id_or_nil) end end def project_id_or_nil strong_memoize(:project_id_or_nil) do case endpoint_scope when :project params[:id] when :instance package_name = params[:package_name] namespace_path = ::Packages::Npm.scope_of(package_name) next unless namespace_path namespace = Namespace.top_most .by_path(namespace_path) next unless namespace finder = ::Packages::Npm::PackageFinder.new( package_name, namespace: namespace, last_of_each_version: false ) finder.last&.project_id end end end end end end end