# frozen_string_literal: true module Mutations module Commits class Create < BaseMutation include FindsProject class UrlHelpers include GitlabRoutingHelper include Gitlab::Routing end graphql_name 'CommitCreate' argument :project_path, GraphQL::Types::ID, required: true, description: 'Project full path the branch is associated with.' argument :branch, GraphQL::Types::String, required: true, description: 'Name of the branch to commit into, it can be a new branch.' argument :start_branch, GraphQL::Types::String, required: false, description: 'If on a new branch, name of the original branch.' argument :message, GraphQL::Types::String, required: true, description: copy_field_description(Types::CommitType, :message) argument :actions, [Types::CommitActionType], required: true, description: 'Array of action hashes to commit as a batch.' field :commit_pipeline_path, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: "ETag path for the commit's pipeline." field :commit, Types::CommitType, null: true, description: 'Commit after mutation.' field :content, [GraphQL::Types::String], null: true, description: 'Contents of the commit.' authorize :push_code def resolve(project_path:, branch:, message:, actions:, **args) project = authorized_find!(project_path) attributes = { commit_message: message, branch_name: branch, start_branch: args[:start_branch] || branch, actions: actions.map { |action| action.to_h } } result = ::Files::MultiService.new(project, current_user, attributes).execute { content: actions.pluck(:content), # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord because actions is an Array, not a Relation commit: (project.repository.commit(result[:result]) if result[:status] == :success), commit_pipeline_path: UrlHelpers.new.graphql_etag_pipeline_sha_path(result[:result]), errors: Array.wrap(result[:message]) } end end end end