--- stage: Manage group: Optimize info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Insights **(ULTIMATE)** > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/725) in GitLab 12.0. Configure the Insights that matter for your projects to explore data such as triage hygiene, issues created/closed per a given period, average time for merge requests to be merged and much more. ![Insights example bar chart](img/project_insights.png) NOTE: This feature is [also available at the group level](../../group/insights/index.md). ## View your project's Insights You can access your project's Insights by clicking the **Analytics > Insights** link in the left sidebar. ## Configure your Insights Insights are configured using a YAML file called `.gitlab/insights.yml` within a project. That file is used in the project's Insights page. See [Writing your `.gitlab/insights.yml`](#writing-your-gitlabinsightsyml) below for details about the content of this file. NOTE: After the configuration file is created, you can also [use it for your project's group](../../group/insights/index.md#configure-your-insights). NOTE: If the project doesn't have any configuration file, it attempts to use the group configuration if possible. If the group doesn't have any configuration, the default configuration is used. ## Permissions If you have access to view a project, then you have access to view their Insights. NOTE: Issues or merge requests that you don't have access to (because you don't have access to the project they belong to, or because they are confidential) are filtered out of the Insights charts. You may also consult the [group permissions table](../../permissions.md#group-members-permissions). ## Writing your `.gitlab/insights.yml` The `.gitlab/insights.yml` file defines the structure and order of the Insights charts displayed in each Insights page of your project or group. Each page has a unique key and a collection of charts to fetch and display. For example, here's a single definition for Insights that displays one page with one chart: ```yaml bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 ``` Each chart definition is made up of a hash composed of key-value pairs. For example, here's single chart definition: ```yaml - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 ``` ## Configuration parameters A chart is defined as a list of parameters that define the chart's behavior. The following table lists available parameters for charts: | Keyword | Description | |:---------------------------------------------------|:------------| | [`title`](#title) | The title of the chart. This displays on the Insights page. | | [`description`](#description) | A description for the individual chart. This displays above the relevant chart. | | [`type`](#type) | The type of chart: `bar`, `line` or `stacked-bar`. | | [`query`](#query) | A hash that defines the data source and filtering conditions for the chart. | ## Parameter details The following are detailed explanations for parameters used to configure Insights charts. ### `title` `title` is the title of the chart as it displays on the Insights page. For example: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" ``` ### `description` The `description` text is displayed above the chart, but below the title. It's used to give extra details regarding the chart, for example: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" ``` ### `type` `type` is the chart type. For example: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" type: bar ``` Supported values are: | Name | Example | | ----- | ------- | | `bar` | ![Insights example bar chart](img/insights_example_bar_chart.png) | | `bar` (time series, that is when `group_by` is used) | ![Insights example bar time series chart](img/insights_example_bar_time_series_chart.png) | | `line` | ![Insights example stacked bar chart](img/insights_example_line_chart.png) | | `stacked-bar` | ![Insights example stacked bar chart](img/insights_example_stacked_bar_chart.png) | NOTE: The `dora` data source supports the `bar` and `line` chart types. ### `query` `query` allows to define the data source and various filtering conditions for the chart. Example: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 ``` The legacy format without the `data_source` parameter is still supported: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 ``` #### `query.data_source` > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/725) in GitLab 15.3. The `data_source` parameter was introduced to allow visualizing data from different data sources. Supported values are: - `issuables`: Exposes merge request or issue data. - `dora`: Exposes DORA metrics data. #### `Issuable` query parameters ##### `query.params.issuable_type` Defines the type of "issuable" you want to create a chart for. Supported values are: - `issue`: The chart displays issues' data. - `merge_request`: The chart displays merge requests' data. ##### `query.params.issuable_state` Filter by the current state of the queried "issuable". By default, the `opened` state filter is applied. Supported values are: - `opened`: Open issues / merge requests. - `closed`: Closed Open issues / merge requests. - `locked`: Issues / merge requests that have their discussion locked. - `merged`: Merged merge requests. - `all`: Issues / merge requests in all states ##### `query.params.filter_labels` Filter by labels currently applied to the queried "issuable". By default, no labels filter is applied. All the defined labels must be currently applied to the "issuable" in order for it to be selected. Example: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly regressions created" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug - regression ``` ##### `query.params.collection_labels` Group "issuable" by the configured labels. By default, no grouping is done. When using this keyword, you need to set `type` to either `line` or `stacked-bar`. Example: ```yaml weeklyBugsBySeverity: title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 ``` ##### `query.group_by` Define the X-axis of your chart. Supported values are: - `day`: Group data per day. - `week`: Group data per week. - `month`: Group data per month. ##### `query.period_limit` Define how far "issuables" are queried in the past (using the `query.period_field`). The unit is related to the `query.group_by` you defined. For instance if you defined `query.group_by: 'day'` then `query.period_limit: 365` would mean "Gather and display data for the last 365 days". By default, default values are applied depending on the `query.group_by` you defined. | `query.group_by` | Default value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `day` | 30 | | `week` | 4 | | `month` | 12 | #### `query.period_field` Define the timestamp field used to group "issuables". Supported values are: - `created_at` (default): Group data using the `created_at` field. - `closed_at`: Group data using the `closed_at` field (for issues only). - `merged_at`: Group data using the `merged_at` field (for merge requests only). The `period_field` is automatically set to: - `closed_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `closed` - `merged_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `merged` - `created_at` otherwise NOTE: Until [this bug](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/26911), is resolved, you may see `created_at` in place of `merged_at`. `created_at` is used instead. #### `DORA` query parameters > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367248) in GitLab 15.3. An example DORA chart definition: ```yaml dora: title: "DORA charts" charts: - title: "DORA deployment frequency" type: bar # or line query: data_source: dora params: metric: deployment_frequency group_by: day period_limit: 10 projects: only: - 38 - title: "DORA lead time for changes" description: "DORA lead time for changes" type: bar query: data_source: dora params: metric: lead_time_for_changes group_by: day environment_tiers: - staging period_limit: 30 ``` ##### `query.metric` Defines which DORA metric to query. The available values are: - `deployment_frequency` (default) - `lead_time_for_changes` - `time_to_restore_service` - `change_failure_rate` The metrics are described on the [DORA API](../../../api/dora/metrics.md#the-value-field) page. ##### `query.group_by` Define the X-axis of your chart. Supported values are: - `day` (default): Group data per day. - `month`: Group data per month. ##### `query.period_limit` Define how far the metrics are queried in the past (default: 15). Maximum lookback period is 180 days or 6 months. ##### `query.environment_tiers` An array of environments to include into the calculation (default: production). Available options: `production`, `staging`, `testing`, `development`, `other`. ### `projects` > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/10904) in GitLab 12.4. You can limit where the "issuables" can be queried from: - If `.gitlab/insights.yml` is used for a [group's insights](../../group/insights/index.md#configure-your-insights), with `projects`, you can limit the projects to be queried. By default, all projects currently under the group are used. - If `.gitlab/insights.yml` is used for a project's insights, specifying any other projects yields no results. By default, the project itself is used. #### `projects.only` The `projects.only` option specifies the projects which the "issuables" should be queried from. Projects listed here are ignored when: - They don't exist. - The current user doesn't have sufficient permissions to read them. - They are outside of the group. In the following `insights.yml` example, we specify the projects the queries are used on. This example is useful when setting a group's insights: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug projects: only: - 3 # You can use the project ID - groupA/projectA # Or full project path - groupA/subgroupB/projectC # Projects in subgroups can be included - groupB/project # Projects outside the group will be ignored ``` ## Complete example ```yaml .projectsOnly: &projectsOnly projects: only: - 3 - groupA/projectA - groupA/subgroupB/projectC bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 - title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 - title: "Monthly bugs by team" type: line <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: merge_request issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - Manage - Plan - Create group_by: month period_limit: 24 ```