%p = _('Hi %{username}!') % { username: sanitize_name(@user.name) } %p = html_escape(_('A personal access token, named %{code_start}%{token_name}%{code_end}, has been revoked.')) % { code_start: ''.html_safe, token_name: @token_name, code_end: ''.html_safe } - if @source == :secret_detection = _('We found your token in a public project and have automatically revoked it to protect your account.') %p - pat_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: @target_url } = html_escape(_('You can check your tokens or create a new one in your %{pat_link_start}personal access tokens settings%{pat_link_end}.')) % { pat_link_start: pat_link_start, pat_link_end: ''.html_safe }