# frozen_string_literal: true # File Download Service allows remote file download into tmp directory. # # @param configuration [BulkImports::Configuration] Config object containing url and access token # @param relative_url [String] Relative URL to download the file from # @param tmpdir [String] Temp directory to store downloaded file to. Must be located under `Dir.tmpdir`. # @param file_size_limit [Integer] Maximum allowed file size # @param allowed_content_types [Array] Allowed file content types # @param filename [String] Name of the file to download, if known. Use remote filename if none given. module BulkImports class FileDownloadService include ::BulkImports::FileDownloads::FilenameFetch include ::BulkImports::FileDownloads::Validations ServiceError = Class.new(StandardError) DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 5.gigabytes DEFAULT_ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES = %w(application/gzip application/octet-stream).freeze def initialize( configuration:, relative_url:, tmpdir:, file_size_limit: DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT, allowed_content_types: DEFAULT_ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES, filename: nil) @configuration = configuration @relative_url = relative_url @filename = filename @tmpdir = tmpdir @file_size_limit = file_size_limit @allowed_content_types = allowed_content_types @remote_content_validated = false end def execute validate_tmpdir validate_filepath validate_url download_file validate_symlink filepath end private attr_reader :configuration, :relative_url, :tmpdir, :file_size_limit, :allowed_content_types, :response_headers def download_file File.open(filepath, 'wb') do |file| bytes_downloaded = 0 http_client.stream(relative_url) do |chunk| next if bytes_downloaded == 0 && [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].include?(chunk.code) @response_headers ||= Gitlab::HTTP::Response::Headers.new(chunk.http_response.to_hash) unless @remote_content_validated validate_content_type validate_content_length @remote_content_validated = true end bytes_downloaded += chunk.size validate_size!(bytes_downloaded) if chunk.code == 200 file.write(chunk) else raise(ServiceError, "File download error #{chunk.code}") end end end rescue StandardError => e File.delete(filepath) if File.exist?(filepath) raise e end def raise_error(message) raise ServiceError, message end def http_client @http_client ||= BulkImports::Clients::HTTP.new( url: configuration.url, token: configuration.access_token ) end def allow_local_requests? ::Gitlab::CurrentSettings.allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services? end def validate_tmpdir Gitlab::Utils.check_allowed_absolute_path!(tmpdir, [Dir.tmpdir]) end def filepath @filepath ||= File.join(@tmpdir, filename) end def filename @filename.presence || remote_filename end def validate_url ::Gitlab::UrlBlocker.validate!( http_client.resource_url(relative_url), allow_localhost: allow_local_requests?, allow_local_network: allow_local_requests?, schemes: %w(http https) ) end end end