import { GlColumnChart } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/charts'; import Vue from 'vue'; import { waitForCSSLoaded } from '~/helpers/startup_css_helper'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { REF_TYPE_BRANCHES, REF_TYPE_TAGS } from '~/ref/constants'; import RefSelector from '~/ref/components/ref_selector.vue'; import CodeCoverage from '../components/code_coverage.vue'; import SeriesDataMixin from './series_data_mixin'; const seriesDataToBarData = (raw) => Object.entries(raw).map(([name, data]) => ({ name, data })); waitForCSSLoaded(() => { const languagesContainer = document.getElementById('js-languages-chart'); const codeCoverageContainer = document.getElementById('js-code-coverage-chart'); const monthContainer = document.getElementById('js-month-chart'); const weekdayContainer = document.getElementById('js-weekday-chart'); const hourContainer = document.getElementById('js-hour-chart'); const branchSelector = document.getElementById('js-project-graph-ref-switcher'); const LANGUAGE_CHART_HEIGHT = 300; const reorderWeekDays = (weekDays, firstDayOfWeek = 0) => { if (firstDayOfWeek === 0) { return weekDays; } return Object.keys(weekDays).reduce((acc, dayName, idx, arr) => { const reorderedDayName = arr[(idx + firstDayOfWeek) % arr.length]; return { ...acc, [reorderedDayName]: weekDays[reorderedDayName], }; }, {}); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: languagesContainer, components: { GlColumnChart, }, data() { return { chartData: JSON.parse(languagesContainer.dataset.chartData), }; }, computed: { seriesData() { return [{ name: 'full', data: => [d.label, d.value]) }]; }, }, render(h) { return h(GlColumnChart, { props: { bars: this.seriesData, xAxisTitle: __('Used programming language'), yAxisTitle: __('Percentage'), xAxisType: 'category', }, attrs: { height: LANGUAGE_CHART_HEIGHT, responsive: true, }, }); }, }); const { graphEndpoint, graphEndDate, graphStartDate, graphRef, graphCsvPath, } = codeCoverageContainer.dataset; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: codeCoverageContainer, render(h) { return h(CodeCoverage, { props: { graphEndpoint, graphEndDate, graphStartDate, graphRef, graphCsvPath, }, }); }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: monthContainer, components: { GlColumnChart, }, mixins: [SeriesDataMixin], data() { return { chartData: JSON.parse(monthContainer.dataset.chartData), }; }, render(h) { return h(GlColumnChart, { props: { bars: seriesDataToBarData(this.seriesData), xAxisTitle: __('Day of month'), yAxisTitle: __('No. of commits'), xAxisType: 'category', }, attrs: { responsive: true, }, }); }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: weekdayContainer, components: { GlColumnChart, }, data() { return { chartData: JSON.parse(weekdayContainer.dataset.chartData), }; }, computed: { seriesData() { const weekDays = reorderWeekDays(this.chartData, gon.first_day_of_week); const data = Object.keys(weekDays).reduce((acc, key) => { acc.push([key, weekDays[key]]); return acc; }, []); return [{ name: 'full', data }]; }, }, render(h) { return h(GlColumnChart, { props: { bars: this.seriesData, xAxisTitle: __('Weekday'), yAxisTitle: __('No. of commits'), xAxisType: 'category', }, attrs: { responsive: true, }, }); }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: hourContainer, components: { GlColumnChart, }, mixins: [SeriesDataMixin], data() { return { chartData: JSON.parse(hourContainer.dataset.chartData), }; }, render(h) { return h(GlColumnChart, { props: { bars: seriesDataToBarData(this.seriesData), xAxisTitle: __('Hour (UTC)'), yAxisTitle: __('No. of commits'), xAxisType: 'category', }, attrs: { responsive: true, }, }); }, }); const { projectId, projectBranch, graphPath } = branchSelector.dataset; const GRAPHS_PATH_REGEX = /^(.*?)\/-\/graphs/g; const graphsPathPrefix = graphPath.match(GRAPHS_PATH_REGEX)?.[0]; if (!graphsPathPrefix) { // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings throw new Error('Path is not correct'); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: branchSelector, name: 'RefSelector', render(createComponent) { return createComponent(RefSelector, { props: { enabledRefTypes: [REF_TYPE_BRANCHES, REF_TYPE_TAGS], value: projectBranch, translations: { dropdownHeader: __('Switch branch/tag'), searchPlaceholder: __('Search branches and tags'), }, projectId, }, class: 'gl-w-20', on: { input(selected) { visitUrl(`${graphsPathPrefix}/${encodeURIComponent(selected)}/charts`); }, }, }); }, }); });