# frozen_string_literal: true module Atlassian module JiraConnect module Serializers # A Jira 'build' represents what we call a 'pipeline' class BuildEntity < Grape::Entity include Gitlab::Routing format_with(:iso8601, &:iso8601) expose :schema_version, as: :schemaVersion expose :pipeline_id, as: :pipelineId expose :iid, as: :buildNumber expose :update_sequence_id, as: :updateSequenceNumber expose :source_ref, as: :displayName expose :url expose :state expose :updated_at, as: :lastUpdated, format_with: :iso8601 expose :issue_keys, as: :issueKeys expose :test_info, as: :testInfo expose :references def issue_keys # extract Jira issue keys from either the source branch/ref or the # merge request title. @issue_keys ||= begin pipeline.all_merge_requests.flat_map do |mr| src = "#{mr.source_branch} #{mr.title} #{mr.description}" JiraIssueKeyExtractor.new(src).issue_keys end.uniq end end private alias_method :pipeline, :object delegate :project, to: :object def url project_pipeline_url(project, pipeline) end # translate to Jira status def state case pipeline.status when 'scheduled', 'created', 'pending', 'preparing', 'waiting_for_resource' then 'pending' when 'running' then 'in_progress' when 'success' then 'successful' when 'failed' then 'failed' when 'canceled', 'skipped' then 'cancelled' else 'unknown' end end def pipeline_id pipeline.ensure_ci_ref! pipeline.ci_ref.id.to_s end def schema_version '1.0' end def test_info builds = pipeline.builds.pluck(:status) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord n = builds.size passed = builds.count { |s| s == 'success' } failed = builds.count { |s| s == 'failed' } { totalNumber: n, numberPassed: passed, numberFailed: failed, numberSkipped: n - (passed + failed) } end def references ref = pipeline.source_ref [{ commit: { id: pipeline.sha, repositoryUri: project_url(project) }, ref: { name: ref, uri: project_commits_url(project, ref) } }] end def update_sequence_id options[:update_sequence_id] || Client.generate_update_sequence_id end end end end end