- link_start = ''.html_safe - link_end = ''.html_safe = email_default_heading(_("We've detected some unusual activity")) %p = _('We want to let you know %{username} has been banned from %{scope} due to them downloading more than %{max_project_downloads} project repositories within %{within_minutes} minutes.') % { username: sanitize_name(@user.name), max_project_downloads: @max_project_downloads, within_minutes: @within_minutes, scope: @ban_scope } %p = _('If this is a mistake, you can %{link_start}unban them%{link_end}.').html_safe % { link_start: link_start % { url: admin_users_url(filter: 'banned') }, link_end: link_end } %p = _('You can adjust rules on auto-banning %{link_start}here%{link_end}.').html_safe % { link_start: link_start % { url: network_admin_application_settings_url(anchor: 'js-ip-limits-settings') }, link_end: link_end }