# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Import::GithubController, feature_category: :importers do include ImportSpecHelper let(:provider) { :github } let(:new_import_url) { public_send("new_import_#{provider}_url") } include_context 'a GitHub-ish import controller' describe "GET new" do it_behaves_like 'a GitHub-ish import controller: GET new' it "redirects to GitHub for an access token if logged in with GitHub" do allow(controller).to receive(:logged_in_with_provider?).and_return(true) expect(controller).to receive(:go_to_provider_for_permissions).and_call_original allow(controller).to receive(:authorize_url).and_call_original get :new expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end it "prompts for an access token if GitHub not configured" do allow(controller).to receive(:github_import_configured?).and_return(false) expect(controller).not_to receive(:go_to_provider_for_permissions) get :new expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end context 'when importing a CI/CD project' do it 'always prompts for an access token' do allow(controller).to receive(:github_import_configured?).and_return(true) get :new, params: { ci_cd_only: true } expect(response).to render_template(:new) end end it 'gets authorization url using oauth client' do allow(controller).to receive(:logged_in_with_provider?).and_return(true) expect(controller).to receive(:go_to_provider_for_permissions).and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(OAuth2::Client) do |client| expect(client.auth_code).to receive(:authorize_url).and_call_original end get :new end end describe "GET callback" do context "when auth state param is missing from session" do it "reports an error" do get :callback expect(controller).to redirect_to(new_import_url) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('Access denied to your GitHub account.') end end context "when auth state param is present in session" do let(:valid_auth_state) { "secret-state" } context 'when remove_legacy_github_client feature is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(remove_legacy_github_client: false) allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::Client) do |client| allow(client).to receive(:get_token).and_return(token) end session[:github_auth_state_key] = valid_auth_state end it "updates access token if state param is valid" do token = "asdasd12345" get :callback, params: { state: valid_auth_state } expect(session[:github_access_token]).to eq(token) expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_github_url) end it "includes namespace_id from query params if it is present" do namespace_id = 1 get :callback, params: { state: valid_auth_state, namespace_id: namespace_id } expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_github_url(namespace_id: namespace_id)) end end it "reports an error if state param is invalid" do get :callback, params: { state: "different-state" } expect(controller).to redirect_to(new_import_url) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('Access denied to your GitHub account.') end context 'when remove_legacy_github_client feature is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(remove_legacy_github_client: true) allow_next_instance_of(OAuth2::Client) do |client| allow(client).to receive_message_chain(:auth_code, :get_token, :token).and_return(token) end session[:github_auth_state_key] = valid_auth_state end it "updates access token if state param is valid" do token = "asdasd12345" get :callback, params: { state: valid_auth_state } expect(session[:github_access_token]).to eq(token) expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_github_url) end it "includes namespace_id from query params if it is present" do namespace_id = 1 get :callback, params: { state: valid_auth_state, namespace_id: namespace_id } expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_github_url(namespace_id: namespace_id)) end end end end describe "POST personal_access_token" do it_behaves_like 'a GitHub-ish import controller: POST personal_access_token' end describe "GET status" do shared_examples 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' do it 'calls repos list from provider with expected args' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::Clients::Proxy) do |client| expect(client).to receive(:repos) .with(expected_filter, expected_options) .and_return({ repos: [], page_info: {}, count: 0 }) end get :status, params: params, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['imported_projects'].size).to eq 0 expect(json_response['provider_repos'].size).to eq 0 expect(json_response['incompatible_repos'].size).to eq 0 expect(json_response['page_info']).to eq({}) expect(json_response['provider_repo_count']).to eq(0) end end let(:provider_token) { 'asdasd12345' } let(:client_auth_success) { true } let(:client_stub) { instance_double(Gitlab::GithubImport::Client, user: { login: 'user' }) } let(:params) { nil } let(:pagination_params) { { before: nil, after: nil } } let(:relation_params) { { relation_type: nil, organization_login: '' } } let(:provider_repos) { [] } let(:expected_filter) { '' } let(:expected_options) do pagination_params.merge(relation_params).merge(first: 25) end before do allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::Clients::Proxy) do |proxy| if client_auth_success allow(proxy).to receive(:repos).and_return({ repos: provider_repos }) allow(proxy).to receive(:client).and_return(client_stub) allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::ProjectRelationType) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:for).with('example/repo').and_return('owned') end else allow(proxy).to receive(:repos).and_raise(Octokit::Unauthorized) end end session[:"#{provider}_access_token"] = provider_token end context 'with OAuth' do let(:provider_token) { nil } before do allow(controller).to receive(:logged_in_with_provider?).and_return(true) end context 'when OAuth config is missing' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:oauth_config).and_return(nil) end it 'returns missing config error' do expect(controller).to receive(:go_to_provider_for_permissions).and_call_original get :status expect(session[:"#{provider}_access_token"]).to be_nil expect(controller).to redirect_to(new_import_url) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('Missing OAuth configuration for GitHub.') end end end context 'with invalid access token' do let(:client_auth_success) { false } it "handles an invalid token" do get :status, format: :json expect(session[:"#{provider}_access_token"]).to be_nil expect(controller).to redirect_to(new_import_url) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Access denied to your #{Gitlab::ImportSources.title(provider.to_s)} account.") end end context 'when user has few different repos' do let(:repo_struct) { Struct.new(:id, :login, :full_name, :name, :owner, keyword_init: true) } let(:provider_repos) do [repo_struct.new(login: 'vim', full_name: 'asd/vim', name: 'vim', owner: { login: 'owner' })] end let!(:imported_project) do create( :project, import_type: provider, namespace: user.namespace, import_status: :finished, import_source: 'example/repo' ) end it 'responds with expected high-level structure' do get :status, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response.dig("imported_projects", 0, "id")).to eq(imported_project.id) expect(json_response.dig("provider_repos", 0, "id")).to eq(provider_repos[0].id) end end it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' context 'with namespace_id param' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in(user) end after do sign_out(user) end context 'when user is allowed to create projects in this namespace' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace, owner: user) } it 'provides namespace to the template' do get :status, params: { namespace_id: namespace.id }, format: :html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status :ok expect(assigns(:namespace)).to eq(namespace) end end context 'when user is not allowed to create projects in this namespace' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } it 'renders 404' do get :status, params: { namespace_id: namespace.id }, format: :html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status :not_found end end end context 'pagination' do context 'when cursor is specified' do let(:pagination_params) { { before: nil, after: 'CURSOR' } } let(:params) { pagination_params } it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' end end context 'when relation type params present' do let(:organization_login) { 'test-login' } let(:params) { pagination_params.merge(relation_type: 'organization', organization_login: organization_login) } let(:pagination_defaults) { { first: 25 } } let(:expected_options) do pagination_defaults.merge(pagination_params).merge( relation_type: 'organization', organization_login: organization_login ) end it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' context 'when organization_login is too long and with ":"' do let(:organization_login) { ":#{Array.new(270) { ('a'..'z').to_a.sample }.join}" } let(:expected_options) do pagination_defaults.merge(pagination_params).merge( relation_type: 'organization', organization_login: organization_login.slice(1, 254) ) end it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' end end context 'when filtering' do let(:filter_param) { FFaker::Lorem.word } let(:params) { { filter: filter_param } } let(:expected_filter) { filter_param } it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' context 'with pagination' do context 'when before cursor present' do let(:pagination_params) { { before: 'before-cursor', after: nil } } let(:params) { { filter: filter_param }.merge(pagination_params) } it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' end context 'when after cursor present' do let(:pagination_params) { { before: nil, after: 'after-cursor' } } let(:params) { { filter: filter_param }.merge(pagination_params) } it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' end end context 'when user input contains colons and spaces' do let(:filter_param) { ' test1:test2 test3 : test4 ' } let(:expected_filter) { 'test1test2test3test4' } it_behaves_like 'calls repos through Clients::Proxy with expected args' end end context 'when rate limit threshold is exceeded' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:status).and_raise(Gitlab::GithubImport::RateLimitError) end it 'returns 429' do get :status, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:too_many_requests) end end end describe "POST create", :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do before do allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::ProjectRelationType) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:for).with("#{provider_username}/vim").and_return('owned') end end it_behaves_like 'a GitHub-ish import controller: POST create' it_behaves_like 'project import rate limiter' end describe "GET realtime_changes" do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do assign_session_token(provider) end it_behaves_like 'a GitHub-ish import controller: GET realtime_changes' it 'includes stats in response' do project = create(:project, import_type: provider, namespace: user.namespace, import_status: :finished, import_source: 'example/repo') ::Gitlab::GithubImport::ObjectCounter.increment(project, :issue, :imported, value: 8) get :realtime_changes expect(json_response[0]).to include('stats') expect(json_response[0]['stats']).to include('fetched') expect(json_response[0]['stats']).to include('imported') end end describe "GET failures" do let_it_be_with_reload(:project) { create(:project, import_type: 'github', import_status: :started, import_source: 'example/repo', import_url: 'https://fake.url') } let!(:import_failure) do create(:import_failure, project: project, source: 'Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::PullRequestImporter', external_identifiers: { iid: 2, object_type: 'pull_request', title: 'My Pull Request' } ) end let(:user) { project.owner } before do sign_in(user) end context 'when import is not finished' do it 'return bad_request' do get :failures, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response['message']).to eq('The import is not complete.') end end context 'when import is finished' do before do project.import_state.finish end it 'includes failure details in response' do get :failures, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(json_response[0]['type']).to eq('pull_request') expect(json_response[0]['title']).to eq('My Pull Request') expect(json_response[0]['provider_url']).to eq("https://fake.url/example/repo/pull/2") expect(json_response[0]['details']['source']).to eq(import_failure.source) end it 'paginates records' do issue_title = 'My Issue' create( :import_failure, project: project, source: 'Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::IssueAndLabelLinksImporter', external_identifiers: { iid: 3, object_type: 'issue', title: issue_title } ) get :failures, params: { project_id: project.id, page: 2, per_page: 1 } expect(json_response.size).to eq(1) expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue_title) end end context 'when signed user is not the owner' do let(:user) { create(:user) } it 'renders 404' do get :failures, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe "POST cancel" do let_it_be(:project) do create( :project, :import_started, import_type: 'github', import_url: 'https://fake.url', import_source: 'login/repo' ) end let(:user) { project.owner } before do sign_in(user) end context 'when project import was canceled' do before do allow(Import::Github::CancelProjectImportService) .to receive(:new).with(project, user) .and_return(double(execute: { status: :success, project: project })) allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::ProjectRelationType) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:for).with('login/repo').and_return('owned') end end it 'returns success' do post :cancel, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end context 'when project import was not canceled' do before do allow(Import::Github::CancelProjectImportService) .to receive(:new).with(project, user) .and_return(double(execute: { status: :error, message: 'The import cannot be canceled because it is finished', http_status: :bad_request })) end it 'returns error' do post :cancel, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response['errors']).to eq('The import cannot be canceled because it is finished') end end context 'when signed user is not the owner' do let(:user) { create(:user) } it 'renders 404' do post :cancel, params: { project_id: project.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'POST cancel_all' do context 'when import is in progress' do it 'returns success' do project = create(:project, :import_scheduled, namespace: user.namespace, import_type: 'github', import_url: 'https://fake.url') project2 = create(:project, :import_started, namespace: user.namespace, import_type: 'github', import_url: 'https://fake2.url') expect(Import::Github::CancelProjectImportService) .to receive(:new).with(project, user) .and_return(double(execute: { status: :success, project: project })) expect(Import::Github::CancelProjectImportService) .to receive(:new).with(project2, user) .and_return(double(execute: { status: :bad_request, message: 'The import cannot be canceled because it is finished' })) post :cancel_all expect(json_response).to eq([ { 'id' => project.id, 'status' => 'success' }, { 'id' => project2.id, 'status' => 'bad_request', 'error' => 'The import cannot be canceled because it is finished' } ]) end end context 'when there is no imports in progress' do it 'returns an empty array' do create(:project, :import_finished, namespace: user.namespace, import_type: 'github', import_url: 'https://fake.url') post :cancel_all expect(json_response).to eq([]) end end context 'when there is no projects created by user' do it 'returns an empty array' do other_user_project = create(:project, :import_started, import_type: 'github', import_url: 'https://fake.url') post :cancel_all expect(json_response).to eq([]) expect(other_user_project.import_status).to eq('started') end end end describe 'GET counts' do let(:expected_result) do { 'owned' => 3, 'collaborated' => 2, 'organization' => 1 } end it 'returns repos count by type' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::Clients::Proxy) do |client_proxy| expect(client_proxy).to receive(:count_repos_by).with('owned', user.id).and_return(3) expect(client_proxy).to receive(:count_repos_by).with('collaborated', user.id).and_return(2) expect(client_proxy).to receive(:count_repos_by).with('organization', user.id).and_return(1) end get :counts expect(json_response).to eq(expected_result) end end end