- form_id = "transfer-group-form" - initial_data = { button_text: s_('GroupSettings|Transfer group'), group_full_path: @group.full_path, group_name: @group.name, group_id: @group.id, target_form_id: form_id, is_paid_group: group.paid?.to_s } .sub-section{ data: { qa_selector: 'transfer_group_content' } } %h4.warning-title= s_('GroupSettings|Transfer group') %p= _('Transfer group to another parent group.') = form_for group, url: transfer_group_path(group), method: :put, html: { id: form_id, class: 'js-group-transfer-form' } do |f| %ul - learn_more_link = help_page_url('user/project/repository/index', anchor: 'what-happens-when-a-repository-path-changes') - learn_more_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: learn_more_link } - warning_text = s_("GroupSettings|Be careful. Changing a group's parent can have unintended side effects. %{learn_more_link_start}Learn more.%{learn_more_link_end}") % { learn_more_link_start: learn_more_link_start, learn_more_link_end: ''.html_safe } %li= warning_text.html_safe %li= s_('GroupSettings|You must have the Owner role in the target group') %li= s_('GroupSettings|You will need to update your local repositories to point to the new location.') %li= s_("GroupSettings|If the parent group's visibility is lower than the group's current visibility, visibility levels for subgroups and projects will be changed to match the new parent group's visibility.") - if group.paid? = render Pajamas::AlertComponent.new(dismissible: false, alert_options: { class: 'gl-mb-5' }) do |c| - c.with_body do = html_escape(_("This group can't be transferred because it is linked to a subscription. To transfer this group, %{linkStart}link the subscription%{linkEnd} with a different group.")) % { linkStart: "".html_safe, linkEnd: ''.html_safe } .js-transfer-group-form{ data: initial_data }