import { s__ } from '~/locale'; const translations = { addTokenButton: s__('DeployTokens|Create deploy token'), addTokenExpiryLabel: s__('DeployTokens|Expiration date (optional)'), addTokenExpiryDescription: s__( 'DeployTokens|Enter an expiration date for your token. Defaults to never expire.', ), addTokenHeader: s__('DeployTokens|New deploy token'), addTokenDescription: s__( 'DeployTokens|Create a new deploy token for all projects in this group. %{link_start}What are deploy tokens?%{link_end}', ), addTokenNameLabel: s__('DeployTokens|Name'), addTokenNameDescription: s__('DeployTokens|Enter a unique name for your deploy token.'), addTokenScopesLabel: s__('DeployTokens|Scopes (select at least one)'), addTokenUsernameDescription: s__( 'DeployTokens|Enter a username for your token. Defaults to %{code_start}gitlab+deploy-token-{n}%{code_end}.', ), addTokenUsernameLabel: s__('DeployTokens|Username (optional)'), newTokenCopyMessage: s__('DeployTokens|Copy deploy token'), newProjectTokenCreated: s__('DeployTokens|Your new project deploy token has been created.'), newGroupTokenCreated: s__('DeployTokens|Your new group deploy token has been created.'), newTokenDescription: s__( 'DeployTokens|Use this token as a password. Save it. This password can %{i_start}not%{i_end} be recovered.', ), newTokenMessage: s__('DeployTokens|Your New Deploy Token'), newTokenUsernameCopy: s__('DeployTokens|Copy username'), newTokenUsernameDescription: s__( 'DeployTokens|This username supports access. %{link_start}What kind of access?%{link_end}', ), readRepositoryHelp: s__('DeployTokens|Allows read-only access to the repository.'), readRegistryHelp: s__('DeployTokens|Allows read-only access to registry images.'), writeRegistryHelp: s__('DeployTokens|Allows read and write access to registry images.'), readPackageRegistryHelp: s__('DeployTokens|Allows read-only access to the package registry.'), groupWritePackageRegistryHelp: s__( 'DeployTokens|Allows read and write access to the package registry.', ), projectWritePackageRegistryHelp: s__( 'DeployTokens|Allows read, write and delete access to the package registry.', ), createTokenFailedAlert: s__('DeployTokens|Failed to create a new deployment token'), }; export default translations;