# frozen_string_literal: true class Label < ApplicationRecord include CacheMarkdownField include Referable include Subscribable include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include OptionallySearch include Sortable include FromUnion include Presentable cache_markdown_field :description, pipeline: :single_line DEFAULT_COLOR = '#428BCA' default_value_for :color, DEFAULT_COLOR has_many :lists, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :priorities, class_name: 'LabelPriority' has_many :label_links, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :issues, through: :label_links, source: :target, source_type: 'Issue' has_many :merge_requests, through: :label_links, source: :target, source_type: 'MergeRequest' before_validation :strip_whitespace_from_title_and_color validates :color, color: true, allow_blank: false # Don't allow ',' for label titles validates :title, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[^,]+\z/ } validates :title, uniqueness: { scope: [:group_id, :project_id] } validates :title, length: { maximum: 255 } default_scope { order(title: :asc) } # rubocop:disable Cop/DefaultScope scope :templates, -> { where(template: true, type: [Label.name, nil]) } scope :with_title, ->(title) { where(title: title) } scope :with_lists_and_board, -> { joins(lists: :board).merge(List.movable) } scope :on_project_boards, ->(project_id) { with_lists_and_board.where(boards: { project_id: project_id }) } scope :on_board, ->(board_id) { with_lists_and_board.where(boards: { id: board_id }) } scope :order_name_asc, -> { reorder(title: :asc) } scope :order_name_desc, -> { reorder(title: :desc) } scope :subscribed_by, ->(user_id) { joins(:subscriptions).where(subscriptions: { user_id: user_id, subscribed: true }) } scope :top_labels_by_target, -> (target_relation) { label_id_column = arel_table[:id] # Window aggregation to count labels count_by_id = Arel::Nodes::Over.new( Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('count', [label_id_column]), Arel::Nodes::Window.new.partition(label_id_column) ).as('count_by_id') select(arel_table[Arel.star], count_by_id) .joins(:label_links) .merge(LabelLink.where(target: target_relation)) .reorder(count_by_id: :desc) .distinct } def self.prioritized(project) joins(:priorities) .where(label_priorities: { project_id: project }) .reorder('label_priorities.priority ASC, labels.title ASC') end def self.unprioritized(project) labels = Label.arel_table priorities = LabelPriority.arel_table label_priorities = labels.join(priorities, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) .on(labels[:id].eq(priorities[:label_id]).and(priorities[:project_id].eq(project.id))) .join_sources joins(label_priorities).where(priorities[:priority].eq(nil)) end def self.left_join_priorities labels = Label.arel_table priorities = LabelPriority.arel_table label_priorities = labels.join(priorities, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) .on(labels[:id].eq(priorities[:label_id])) .join_sources joins(label_priorities) end def self.optionally_subscribed_by(user_id) if user_id subscribed_by(user_id) else all end end alias_attribute :name, :title def self.reference_prefix '~' end ## # Pattern used to extract label references from text # # This pattern supports cross-project references. # def self.reference_pattern # NOTE: The id pattern only matches when all characters on the expression # are digits, so it will match ~2 but not ~2fa because that's probably a # label name and we want it to be matched as such. @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (#{Project.reference_pattern})? #{Regexp.escape(reference_prefix)} (?: (?<label_id>\d+(?!\S\w)\b) | # Integer-based label ID, or (?<label_name> # String-based single-word label title, or [A-Za-z0-9_\-\?\.&]+ (?<!\.|\?) | # String-based multi-word label surrounded in quotes ".+?" ) ) }x end def self.link_reference_pattern nil end # Searches for labels with a matching title or description. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL. # # query - The search query as a String. # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def self.search(query, **options) fuzzy_search(query, [:title, :description]) end # Override Gitlab::SQL::Pattern.min_chars_for_partial_matching as # label queries are never global, and so will not use a trigram # index. That means we can have just one character in the LIKE. def self.min_chars_for_partial_matching 1 end def self.on_project_board?(project_id, label_id) return false if label_id.blank? on_project_boards(project_id).where(id: label_id).exists? end # Generate a hex color based on hex-encoded value def self.color_for(value) "##{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value)[0..5]}" end def open_issues_count(user = nil) issues_count(user, state: 'opened') end def closed_issues_count(user = nil) issues_count(user, state: 'closed') end def open_merge_requests_count(user = nil) params = { subject_foreign_key => subject.id, label_name: title, scope: 'all', state: 'opened' } MergeRequestsFinder.new(user, params.with_indifferent_access).execute.count end def prioritize!(project, value) label_priority = priorities.find_or_initialize_by(project_id: project.id) label_priority.priority = value label_priority.save! end def unprioritize!(project) priorities.where(project: project).delete_all end def priority(project) priority = if priorities.loaded? priorities.first { |p| p.project == project } else priorities.find_by(project: project) end priority.try(:priority) end def priority? priorities.present? end def color super || DEFAULT_COLOR end def text_color LabelsHelper.text_color_for_bg(self.color) end def title=(value) write_attribute(:title, sanitize_value(value)) if value.present? end def description=(value) write_attribute(:description, sanitize_value(value)) if value.present? end ## # Returns the String necessary to reference this Label in Markdown # # format - Symbol format to use (default: :id, optional: :name) # # Examples: # # Label.first.to_reference # => "~1" # Label.first.to_reference(format: :name) # => "~\"bug\"" # Label.first.to_reference(project, target_project: same_namespace_project) # => "gitlab-foss~1" # Label.first.to_reference(project, target_project: another_namespace_project) # => "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss~1" # # Returns a String # def to_reference(from = nil, target_project: nil, format: :id, full: false) format_reference = label_format_reference(format) reference = "#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{format_reference}" if from "#{from.to_reference_base(target_project, full: full)}#{reference}" else reference end end def as_json(options = {}) super(options).tap do |json| json[:type] = self.try(:type) json[:priority] = priority(options[:project]) if options.key?(:project) json[:textColor] = text_color end end def hook_attrs attributes end def present(attributes) super(attributes.merge(presenter_class: ::LabelPresenter)) end private def issues_count(user, params = {}) params.merge!(subject_foreign_key => subject.id, label_name: title, scope: 'all') IssuesFinder.new(user, params.with_indifferent_access).execute.count end def label_format_reference(format = :id) raise StandardError, 'Unknown format' unless [:id, :name].include?(format) if format == :name && !name.include?('"') %("#{name}") else id end end def sanitize_value(value) CGI.unescapeHTML(Sanitize.clean(value.to_s)) end def strip_whitespace_from_title_and_color %w(color title).each { |attr| self[attr] = self[attr]&.strip } end end Label.prepend_if_ee('EE::Label')