import * as types from '~/user_lists/store/new/mutation_types'; import mutations from '~/user_lists/store/new/mutations'; import createState from '~/user_lists/store/new/state'; describe('User List Edit Mutations', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = createState({ projectId: '1' }); }); describe(types.RECIEVE_USER_LIST_ERROR, () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_CREATE_USER_LIST_ERROR](state, ['network error']); }); it('sets the error message to the recieved one', () => { expect(state.errorMessage).toEqual(['network error']); }); it('sets the error message to the recevied API message if present', () => { const message = ['name is blank', 'name is too short']; mutations[types.RECEIVE_CREATE_USER_LIST_ERROR](state, message); expect(state.errorMessage).toEqual(message); }); }); describe(types.DISMISS_ERROR_ALERT, () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.DISMISS_ERROR_ALERT](state); }); it('clears the error message', () => { expect(state.errorMessage).toBe(''); }); }); });