# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci class Trace include ::Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers include Checksummable LOCK_TTL = 10.minutes LOCK_RETRIES = 2 LOCK_SLEEP = 0.001.seconds WATCH_FLAG_TTL = 10.seconds UPDATE_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT = 60.seconds UPDATE_FREQUENCY_WHEN_BEING_WATCHED = 3.seconds ArchiveError = Class.new(StandardError) AlreadyArchivedError = Class.new(StandardError) LockedError = Class.new(StandardError) attr_reader :job delegate :old_trace, to: :job def initialize(job) @job = job end def html(last_lines: nil) read do |stream| stream.html(last_lines: last_lines) end end def raw(last_lines: nil) read do |stream| stream.raw(last_lines: last_lines) end end def extract_coverage(regex) read do |stream| stream.extract_coverage(regex) end end def extract_sections read do |stream| stream.extract_sections end end def set(data) write('w+b') do |stream| data = job.hide_secrets(data) stream.set(data) end end def append(data, offset) write('a+b') do |stream| current_length = stream.size break current_length unless current_length == offset data = job.hide_secrets(data) stream.append(data, offset) stream.size end end def exist? archived_trace_exist? || live_trace_exist? end def archived_trace_exist? trace_artifact&.exists? end def live_trace_exist? job.trace_chunks.any? || current_path.present? || old_trace.present? end def read(&block) read_stream(&block) rescue Errno::ENOENT, ChunkedIO::FailedToGetChunkError job.reset read_stream(&block) end def write(mode, &blk) in_write_lock do unsafe_write!(mode, &blk) end end def erase_trace_chunks! job.trace_chunks.fast_destroy_all # Destroy chunks of a live trace end def erase! ## # Erase the archived trace trace_artifact&.destroy! ## # Erase the live trace erase_trace_chunks! FileUtils.rm_f(current_path) if current_path # Remove a trace file of a live trace job.erase_old_trace! if job.has_old_trace? # Remove a trace in database of a live trace ensure @current_path = nil end def archive! in_write_lock do unsafe_archive! end end def update_interval if being_watched? UPDATE_FREQUENCY_WHEN_BEING_WATCHED else UPDATE_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT end end def being_watched! Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.set(being_watched_cache_key, true, ex: WATCH_FLAG_TTL) end end def being_watched? Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.exists(being_watched_cache_key) end end def lock(&block) in_write_lock(&block) rescue FailedToObtainLockError raise LockedError, "build trace `#{job.id}` is locked" end private def read_stream stream = Gitlab::Ci::Trace::Stream.new do if trace_artifact trace_artifact.open elsif job.trace_chunks.any? Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ChunkedIO.new(job) elsif current_path File.open(current_path, "rb") elsif old_trace StringIO.new(old_trace) end end yield stream ensure stream&.close end def unsafe_write!(mode, &blk) stream = Gitlab::Ci::Trace::Stream.new do if trace_artifact raise AlreadyArchivedError, 'Could not write to the archived trace' elsif current_path File.open(current_path, mode) elsif Feature.enabled?(:ci_enable_live_trace, job.project) Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ChunkedIO.new(job) else File.open(ensure_path, mode) end end yield(stream).tap do job.touch if job.needs_touch? end ensure stream&.close end def unsafe_archive! raise ArchiveError, 'Job is not finished yet' unless job.complete? if trace_artifact unsafe_trace_cleanup! if Feature.enabled?(:erase_traces_from_already_archived_jobs_when_archiving_again, job.project, default_enabled: :yaml) raise AlreadyArchivedError, 'Could not archive again' end if job.trace_chunks.any? Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ChunkedIO.new(job) do |stream| archive_stream!(stream) destroy_stream(job) { stream.destroy! } end elsif current_path File.open(current_path) do |stream| archive_stream!(stream) FileUtils.rm(current_path) end elsif old_trace StringIO.new(old_trace, 'rb').tap do |stream| archive_stream!(stream) job.erase_old_trace! end end end def unsafe_trace_cleanup! return unless trace_artifact if trace_artifact.archived_trace_exists? # An archive already exists, so make sure to remove the trace chunks erase_trace_chunks! else # An archive already exists, but its associated file does not, so remove it trace_artifact.destroy! end end def in_write_lock(&blk) lock_key = "trace:write:lock:#{job.id}" in_lock(lock_key, ttl: LOCK_TTL, retries: LOCK_RETRIES, sleep_sec: LOCK_SLEEP, &blk) end def archive_stream!(stream) clone_file!(stream, JobArtifactUploader.workhorse_upload_path) do |clone_path| create_build_trace!(job, clone_path) end end def clone_file!(src_stream, temp_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(temp_dir) Dir.mktmpdir("tmp-trace-#{job.id}", temp_dir) do |dir_path| temp_path = File.join(dir_path, "job.log") FileUtils.touch(temp_path) size = IO.copy_stream(src_stream, temp_path) raise ArchiveError, 'Failed to copy stream' unless size == src_stream.size yield(temp_path) end end def create_build_trace!(job, path) File.open(path) do |stream| # TODO: Set `file_format: :raw` after we've cleaned up legacy traces migration # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/merge_requests/20307 job.create_job_artifacts_trace!( project: job.project, file_type: :trace, file: stream, file_sha256: self.class.hexdigest(path)) end end def ensure_path return current_path if current_path ensure_directory default_path end def ensure_directory unless Dir.exist?(default_directory) FileUtils.mkdir_p(default_directory) end end def current_path @current_path ||= paths.find do |trace_path| File.exist?(trace_path) end end def paths [default_path] end def default_directory File.join( Settings.gitlab_ci.builds_path, job.created_at.utc.strftime("%Y_%m"), job.project_id.to_s ) end def default_path File.join(default_directory, "#{job.id}.log") end def trace_artifact read_trace_artifact(job) { job.job_artifacts_trace } end ## # Overridden in EE # def destroy_stream(job) yield end ## # Overriden in EE # def read_trace_artifact(job) yield end def being_watched_cache_key "gitlab:ci:trace:#{job.id}:watched" end end end end ::Gitlab::Ci::Trace.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::Ci::Trace')