# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci # This class responsible for assigning # proper pending build to runner on runner API request class RegisterJobService attr_reader :runner, :metrics TEMPORARY_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 3.seconds Result = Struct.new(:build, :build_json, :valid?) ## # The queue depth limit number has been determined by observing 95 # percentile of effective queue depth on gitlab.com. This is only likely to # affect 5% of the worst case scenarios. MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH = 45 def initialize(runner) @runner = runner @metrics = ::Gitlab::Ci::Queue::Metrics.new(runner) end def execute(params = {}) @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:queue_attempt) @metrics.observe_queue_time(:process, @runner.runner_type) do process_queue(params) end end private def process_queue(params) valid = true depth = 0 each_build(params) do |build| depth += 1 @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:queue_iteration) if depth > max_queue_depth @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:queue_depth_limit) valid = false break end # We read builds from replicas # It is likely that some other concurrent connection is processing # a given build at a given moment. To avoid an expensive compute # we perform an exclusive lease on Redis to acquire a build temporarily unless acquire_temporary_lock(build.id) @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_temporary_locked) # We failed to acquire lock # - our queue is not complete as some resources are locked temporarily # - we need to re-process it again to ensure that all builds are handled valid = false next end result = process_build(build, params) next unless result if result.valid? @metrics.register_success(result.build) @metrics.observe_queue_depth(:found, depth) return result # rubocop:disable Cop/AvoidReturnFromBlocks else # The usage of valid: is described in # handling of ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError valid = false end end @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:queue_conflict) unless valid @metrics.observe_queue_depth(:conflict, depth) unless valid @metrics.observe_queue_depth(:not_found, depth) if valid @metrics.register_failure Result.new(nil, nil, valid) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def each_build(params, &blk) builds = if runner.instance_type? builds_for_shared_runner elsif runner.group_type? builds_for_group_runner else builds_for_project_runner end # pick builds that does not have other tags than runner's one builds = builds.matches_tag_ids(runner.tags.ids) # pick builds that have at least one tag unless runner.run_untagged? builds = builds.with_any_tags end # pick builds that older than specified age if params.key?(:job_age) builds = builds.queued_before(params[:job_age].seconds.ago) end if Feature.enabled?(:ci_register_job_service_one_by_one, runner, default_enabled: true) build_ids = retrieve_queue(-> { builds.pluck(:id) }) @metrics.observe_queue_size(-> { build_ids.size }, @runner.runner_type) build_ids.each do |build_id| yield Ci::Build.find(build_id) end else builds_array = retrieve_queue(-> { builds.to_a }) @metrics.observe_queue_size(-> { builds_array.size }, @runner.runner_type) builds_array.each(&blk) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def retrieve_queue(queue_query_proc) @metrics.observe_queue_time(:retrieve, @runner.runner_type) do queue_query_proc.call end end def process_build(build, params) unless build.pending? @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_not_pending) return end if runner.can_pick?(build) @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_can_pick) else @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_not_pick) return end # In case when 2 runners try to assign the same build, second runner will be declined # with StateMachines::InvalidTransition or StaleObjectError when doing run! or save method. if assign_runner!(build, params) present_build!(build) end rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError # We are looping to find another build that is not conflicting # It also indicates that this build can be picked and passed to runner. # If we don't do it, basically a bunch of runners would be competing for a build # and thus we will generate a lot of 409. This will increase # the number of generated requests, also will reduce significantly # how many builds can be picked by runner in a unit of time. # In case we hit the concurrency-access lock, # we still have to return 409 in the end, # to make sure that this is properly handled by runner. @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_conflict_lock) Result.new(nil, nil, false) rescue StateMachines::InvalidTransition @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_conflict_transition) Result.new(nil, nil, false) rescue StandardError => ex @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:build_conflict_exception) # If an error (e.g. GRPC::DeadlineExceeded) occurred constructing # the result, consider this as a failure to be retried. scheduler_failure!(build) track_exception_for_build(ex, build) # skip, and move to next one nil end def max_queue_depth @max_queue_depth ||= begin if Feature.enabled?(:gitlab_ci_builds_queue_limit, runner, default_enabled: true) MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH else ::Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE end end end # Force variables evaluation to occur now def present_build!(build) # We need to use the presenter here because Gitaly calls in the presenter # may fail, and we need to ensure the response has been generated. presented_build = ::Ci::BuildRunnerPresenter.new(build) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/Presenter build_json = ::API::Entities::JobRequest::Response.new(presented_build).to_json Result.new(build, build_json, true) end def assign_runner!(build, params) build.runner_id = runner.id build.runner_session_attributes = params[:session] if params[:session].present? failure_reason, _ = pre_assign_runner_checks.find { |_, check| check.call(build, params) } if failure_reason @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:runner_pre_assign_checks_failed) build.drop!(failure_reason) else @metrics.increment_queue_operation(:runner_pre_assign_checks_success) build.run! end !failure_reason end def acquire_temporary_lock(build_id) return true unless Feature.enabled?(:ci_register_job_temporary_lock, runner) key = "build/register/#{build_id}" Gitlab::ExclusiveLease .new(key, timeout: TEMPORARY_LOCK_TIMEOUT.to_i) .try_obtain end def scheduler_failure!(build) Gitlab::OptimisticLocking.retry_lock(build, 3, name: 'register_job_scheduler_failure') do |subject| subject.drop!(:scheduler_failure) end rescue StandardError => ex build.doom! # This requires extra exception, otherwise we would loose information # why we cannot perform `scheduler_failure` track_exception_for_build(ex, build) end def track_exception_for_build(ex, build) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(ex, build_id: build.id, build_name: build.name, build_stage: build.stage, pipeline_id: build.pipeline_id, project_id: build.project_id ) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def builds_for_shared_runner relation = new_builds. # don't run projects which have not enabled shared runners and builds joins(:project).where(projects: { shared_runners_enabled: true, pending_delete: false }) .joins('LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id') .where('project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > 0') if Feature.enabled?(:ci_queueing_disaster_recovery, runner, type: :ops, default_enabled: :yaml) # if disaster recovery is enabled, we fallback to FIFO scheduling relation.order('ci_builds.id ASC') else # Implement fair scheduling # this returns builds that are ordered by number of running builds # we prefer projects that don't use shared runners at all relation .joins("LEFT JOIN (#{running_builds_for_shared_runners.to_sql}) AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id") .order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(project_builds.running_builds, 0) ASC'), 'ci_builds.id ASC') end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def builds_for_project_runner new_builds.where(project: runner.projects.without_deleted.with_builds_enabled).order('id ASC') end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def builds_for_group_runner # Workaround for weird Rails bug, that makes `runner.groups.to_sql` to return `runner_id = NULL` groups = ::Group.joins(:runner_namespaces).merge(runner.runner_namespaces) hierarchy_groups = Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(groups, options: { use_distinct: Feature.enabled?(:use_distinct_in_register_job_object_hierarchy) }).base_and_descendants projects = Project.where(namespace_id: hierarchy_groups) .with_group_runners_enabled .with_builds_enabled .without_deleted new_builds.where(project: projects).order('id ASC') end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def running_builds_for_shared_runners Ci::Build.running.where(runner: Ci::Runner.instance_type) .group(:project_id).select(:project_id, 'count(*) AS running_builds') end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def new_builds builds = Ci::Build.pending.unstarted builds = builds.ref_protected if runner.ref_protected? builds end def pre_assign_runner_checks { missing_dependency_failure: -> (build, _) { !build.has_valid_build_dependencies? }, runner_unsupported: -> (build, params) { !build.supported_runner?(params.dig(:info, :features)) }, archived_failure: -> (build, _) { build.archived? } } end end end Ci::RegisterJobService.prepend_mod_with('Ci::RegisterJobService')