# frozen_string_literal: true require 'uri' module Integrations class Irker < Integration prop_accessor :server_host, :server_port, :default_irc_uri prop_accessor :recipients, :channels boolean_accessor :colorize_messages validates :recipients, presence: true, if: :validate_recipients? before_validation :get_channels def title s_('IrkerService|irker (IRC gateway)') end def description s_('IrkerService|Send update messages to an irker server.') end def self.to_param 'irker' end def self.supported_events %w(push) end def execute(data) return unless supported_events.include?(data[:object_kind]) IrkerWorker.perform_async(project_id, channels, colorize_messages, data, settings) end def settings { server_host: server_host.presence || 'localhost', server_port: server_port.presence || 6659 } end def fields recipients_docs_link = ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to s_('IrkerService|How to enter channels or users?'), Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url('user/project/integrations/irker', anchor: 'enter-irker-recipients'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' [ { type: 'text', name: 'server_host', placeholder: 'localhost', title: s_('IrkerService|Server host (optional)'), help: s_('IrkerService|irker daemon hostname (defaults to localhost).') }, { type: 'text', name: 'server_port', placeholder: 6659, title: s_('IrkerService|Server port (optional)'), help: s_('IrkerService|irker daemon port (defaults to 6659).') }, { type: 'text', name: 'default_irc_uri', title: s_('IrkerService|Default IRC URI (optional)'), help: s_('IrkerService|URI to add before each recipient.'), placeholder: 'irc://irc.network.net:6697/' }, { type: 'textarea', name: 'recipients', title: s_('IrkerService|Recipients'), placeholder: 'irc[s]://irc.network.net[:port]/#channel', required: true, help: s_('IrkerService|Channels and users separated by whitespaces. %{recipients_docs_link}').html_safe % { recipients_docs_link: recipients_docs_link.html_safe } }, { type: 'checkbox', name: 'colorize_messages', title: _('Colorize messages') } ] end def help docs_link = ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to _('Learn more.'), Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url('user/project/integrations/irker', anchor: 'set-up-an-irker-daemon'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' s_('IrkerService|Send update messages to an irker server. Before you can use this, you need to set up the irker daemon. %{docs_link}').html_safe % { docs_link: docs_link.html_safe } end private def get_channels return true unless activated? return true if recipients.nil? || recipients.empty? map_recipients errors.add(:recipients, 'are all invalid') if channels.empty? true end def map_recipients self.channels = recipients.split(/\s+/).map do |recipient| format_channel(recipient) end channels.reject!(&:nil?) end def format_channel(recipient) uri = nil # Try to parse the chan as a full URI begin uri = consider_uri(URI.parse(recipient)) rescue URI::InvalidURIError end unless uri.present? && default_irc_uri.nil? begin new_recipient = URI.join(default_irc_uri, '/', recipient).to_s uri = consider_uri(URI.parse(new_recipient)) rescue StandardError log_error("Unable to create a valid URL", default_irc_uri: default_irc_uri, recipient: recipient) end end uri end def consider_uri(uri) return if uri.scheme.nil? # Authorize both irc://domain.com/#chan and irc://domain.com/chan if uri.is_a?(URI) && uri.scheme[/^ircs?\z/] && !uri.path.nil? uri.to_s end end end end