module Searchable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Elasticsearch::Model # Customize the index name # index_name [Rails.application.engine_name, Rails.env].join('_') # Set up index configuration and mapping # settings index: { number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0 } do mapping do indexes :title, type: 'text' do indexes :title, analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :tokenized, analyzer: 'simple' end indexes :content, type: 'text' do indexes :content, analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :tokenized, analyzer: 'simple' end indexes :published_on, type: 'date' indexes :authors do indexes :full_name, type: 'text' do indexes :full_name indexes :raw, type: 'keyword' end end indexes :categories, type: 'keyword' indexes :comments, type: 'nested' do indexes :body, analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :stars indexes :pick indexes :user, type: 'keyword' indexes :user_location, type: 'text' do indexes :user_location indexes :raw, type: 'keyword' end end end end # Set up callbacks for updating the index on model changes # after_commit lambda { Indexer.perform_async(:index, self.class.to_s, }, on: :create after_commit lambda { Indexer.perform_async(:update, self.class.to_s, }, on: :update after_commit lambda { Indexer.perform_async(:delete, self.class.to_s, }, on: :destroy after_touch lambda { Indexer.perform_async(:update, self.class.to_s, } # Customize the JSON serialization for Elasticsearch # def as_indexed_json(options={}) hash = self.as_json( include: { authors: { methods: [:full_name], only: [:full_name] }, comments: { only: [:body, :stars, :pick, :user, :user_location] } }) hash['categories'] = hash end # Return documents matching the user's query, include highlights and aggregations in response, # and implement a "cross" faceted navigation # # @param q [String] The user query # @return [Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Response] # def, options={}) @search_definition = do query do # If a user query is present... # unless q.blank? bool do # ... search in `title`, `abstract` and `content`, boosting `title` # should do multi_match do query q fields ['title^10', 'abstract^2', 'content'] operator 'and' end end # ... search in comment body if user checked the comments checkbox # if q.present? && options[:comments] should do nested do path :comments query do multi_match do query q fields 'comments.body' operator 'and' end end end end end end # ... otherwise, just return all articles else match_all end end # Filter the search results based on user selection # post_filter do bool do must { term categories: options[:category] } if options[:category] must { match_all } if options.keys.none? { |k| [:c, :a, :w].include? k } must { term 'authors.full_name.raw' => options[:author] } if options[:author] must { range published_on: { gte: options[:published_week], lte: "#{options[:published_week]}||+1w" } } if options[:published_week] end end # Return top categories for faceted navigation # aggregation :categories do # Filter the aggregation with any selected `author` and `published_week` # f = f.must { match_all } f.must { term 'authors.full_name.raw' => options[:author] } if options[:author] f.must { range published_on: { gte: options[:published_week], lte: "#{options[:published_week]}||+1w" } } if options[:published_week] filter f.to_hash do aggregation :categories do terms field: 'categories' end end end # Return top authors for faceted navigation # aggregation :authors do # Filter the aggregation with any selected `category` and `published_week` # f = f.must { match_all } f.must { term categories: options[:category] } if options[:category] f.must { range published_on: { gte: options[:published_week], lte: "#{options[:published_week]}||+1w" } } if options[:published_week] filter f do aggregation :authors do terms field: 'authors.full_name.raw' end end end # Return the published date ranges for faceted navigation # aggregation :published do # Filter the aggregation with any selected `author` and `category` # f = f.must { match_all } f.must { term 'authors.full_name.raw' => options[:author] } if options[:author] f.must { term categories: options[:category] } if options[:category] filter f do aggregation :published do date_histogram do field 'published_on' interval 'week' end end end end # Highlight the snippets in results # highlight do fields title: { number_of_fragments: 0 }, abstract: { number_of_fragments: 0 }, content: { fragment_size: 50 } field 'comments.body', fragment_size: 50 if q.present? && options[:comments] pre_tags '' post_tags '' end case # By default, sort by relevance, but when a specific sort option is present, use it ... # when options[:sort] sort options[:sort].to_sym => 'desc' track_scores true # # ... when there's no user query, sort on published date # when q.blank? sort published_on: 'desc' end # Return suggestions unless there's no query from the user unless q.blank? suggest :suggest_title, text: q, term: { field: 'title.tokenized', suggest_mode: 'always' } suggest :suggest_body, text: q, term: { field: 'content.tokenized', suggest_mode: 'always' } end end end end end