# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe API::Issues do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project, :public, :repository, creator_id: user.id, namespace: user.namespace) } let_it_be(:private_mrs_project) do create(:project, :public, :repository, creator_id: user.id, namespace: user.namespace, merge_requests_access_level: ProjectFeature::PRIVATE) end let(:user2) { create(:user) } let(:non_member) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:guest) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:author) { create(:author) } let_it_be(:assignee) { create(:assignee) } let(:admin) { create(:user, :admin) } let(:issue_title) { 'foo' } let(:issue_description) { 'closed' } let!(:closed_issue) do create :closed_issue, author: user, assignees: [user], project: project, state: :closed, milestone: milestone, created_at: generate(:past_time), updated_at: 3.hours.ago, closed_at: 1.hour.ago end let!(:confidential_issue) do create :issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignees: [assignee], created_at: generate(:past_time), updated_at: 2.hours.ago end let!(:issue) do create :issue, author: user, assignees: [user], project: project, milestone: milestone, created_at: generate(:past_time), updated_at: 1.hour.ago, title: issue_title, description: issue_description end let_it_be(:label) do create(:label, title: 'label', color: '#FFAABB', project: project) end let!(:label_link) { create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue) } let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, title: '1.0.0', project: project) } let_it_be(:empty_milestone) do create(:milestone, title: '2.0.0', project: project) end let!(:note) { create(:note_on_issue, author: user, project: project, noteable: issue) } let(:no_milestone_title) { 'None' } let(:any_milestone_title) { 'Any' } before_all do project.add_reporter(user) project.add_guest(guest) private_mrs_project.add_reporter(user) private_mrs_project.add_guest(guest) end before do stub_licensed_features(multiple_issue_assignees: false, issue_weights: false) end shared_examples 'issues statistics' do it 'returns issues statistics' do get api("/issues_statistics", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['statistics']).not_to be_nil expect(json_response['statistics']['counts']['all']).to eq counts[:all] expect(json_response['statistics']['counts']['closed']).to eq counts[:closed] expect(json_response['statistics']['counts']['opened']).to eq counts[:opened] end end describe 'GET /issues/:id' do context 'when unauthorized' do it 'returns unauthorized' do get api("/issues/#{issue.id}" ) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end end context 'when authorized' do context 'as a normal user' do it 'returns forbidden' do get api("/issues/#{issue.id}", user ) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end end context 'as an admin' do context 'when issue exists' do it 'returns the issue' do get api("/issues/#{issue.id}", admin) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response.dig('author', 'id')).to eq(issue.author.id) expect(json_response['description']).to eq(issue.description) end end context 'when issue does not exist' do it 'returns 404' do get api("/issues/0", admin) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end end describe 'GET /issues' do context 'when unauthenticated' do it 'returns an array of all issues' do get api('/issues'), params: { scope: 'all' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_an Array end it 'returns authentication error without any scope' do get api('/issues') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end it 'returns authentication error when scope is assigned-to-me' do get api('/issues'), params: { scope: 'assigned-to-me' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end it 'returns authentication error when scope is created-by-me' do get api('/issues'), params: { scope: 'created-by-me' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end it 'returns an array of issues matching state in milestone' do get api('/issues'), params: { milestone: 'foo', scope: 'all' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an array of issues matching state in milestone' do get api('/issues'), params: { milestone: milestone.title, scope: 'all' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'responds with a 401 instead of the specified issue' do get api("/issues/#{issue.id}") expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end context 'issues_statistics' do it 'returns authentication error without any scope' do get api('/issues_statistics') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end it 'returns authentication error when scope is assigned_to_me' do get api('/issues_statistics'), params: { scope: 'assigned_to_me' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end it 'returns authentication error when scope is created_by_me' do get api('/issues_statistics'), params: { scope: 'created_by_me' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized) end context 'no state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { {} } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'statistics when all state is passed' do let(:params) { { state: :all } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'closed state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { { state: :closed } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'opened state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { { state: :opened } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and no state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :all } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and closed state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :closed } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and opened state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :opened } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'sort does not affect statistics ' do let(:params) { { state: :opened, order_by: 'updated_at' } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end end end context 'when authenticated' do it 'returns an array of issues' do get api('/issues', user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title) expect(json_response.last).to have_key('web_url') # Calculating the value of subscribed field triggers Markdown # processing. We can't do that for multiple issues / merge # requests in a single API request. expect(json_response.last).not_to have_key('subscribed') end it 'returns an array of closed issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { state: :closed } expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end it 'returns an array of opened issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { state: :opened } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end it 'returns an array of all issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { state: :all } expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns issues assigned to me' do issue2 = create(:issue, assignees: [user2], project: project) get api('/issues', user2), params: { scope: 'assigned_to_me' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues assigned to me (kebab-case)' do issue2 = create(:issue, assignees: [user2], project: project) get api('/issues', user2), params: { scope: 'assigned-to-me' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues authored by the given author id' do issue2 = create(:issue, author: user2, project: project) get api('/issues', user), params: { author_id: user2.id, scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues assigned to the given assignee id' do issue2 = create(:issue, assignees: [user2], project: project) get api('/issues', user), params: { assignee_id: user2.id, scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues authored by the given author id and assigned to the given assignee id' do issue2 = create(:issue, author: user2, assignees: [user2], project: project) get api('/issues', user), params: { author_id: user2.id, assignee_id: user2.id, scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues with no assignee' do issue2 = create(:issue, author: user2, project: project) get api('/issues', user), params: { assignee_id: 'None', scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues with any assignee' do # This issue without assignee should not be returned create(:issue, author: user2, project: project) get api('/issues', user), params: { assignee_id: 'Any', scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, confidential_issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns only confidential issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { confidential: true, scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response(confidential_issue.id) end it 'returns only public issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { confidential: false } expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns issues reacted by the authenticated user' do issue2 = create(:issue, project: project, author: user, assignees: [user]) create(:award_emoji, awardable: issue2, user: user2, name: 'star') create(:award_emoji, awardable: issue, user: user2, name: 'thumbsup') get api('/issues', user2), params: { my_reaction_emoji: 'Any', scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response([issue2.id, issue.id]) end it 'returns issues not reacted by the authenticated user' do issue2 = create(:issue, project: project, author: user, assignees: [user]) create(:award_emoji, awardable: issue2, user: user2, name: 'star') get api('/issues', user2), params: { my_reaction_emoji: 'None', scope: 'all' } expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns issues matching given search string for title' do get api('/issues', user), params: { search: issue.title } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end it 'returns issues matching given search string for title and scoped in title' do get api('/issues', user), params: { search: issue.title, in: 'title' } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches given search string for title and scoped in description' do get api('/issues', user), params: { search: issue.title, in: 'description' } expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns issues matching given search string for description' do get api('/issues', user), params: { search: issue.description } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end context 'filtering before a specific date' do let!(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, created_at: Date.new(2000, 1, 1), updated_at: Date.new(2000, 1, 1)) } it 'returns issues created before a specific date' do get api('/issues?created_before=2000-01-02T00:00:00.060Z', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues updated before a specific date' do get api('/issues?updated_before=2000-01-02T00:00:00.060Z', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end end context 'filtering after a specific date' do let!(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, created_at: 1.week.from_now, updated_at: 1.week.from_now) } it 'returns issues created after a specific date' do get api("/issues?created_after=#{issue2.created_at}", user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues updated after a specific date' do get api("/issues?updated_after=#{issue2.updated_at}", user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end end context 'filtering by due date' do # This date chosen because it is the beginning of a week + near the beginning of a month let_it_be(:frozen_time) { DateTime.parse('2020-08-03 12:00') } let_it_be(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, due_date: frozen_time + 3.days) } let_it_be(:issue3) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, due_date: frozen_time + 10.days) } let_it_be(:issue4) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, due_date: frozen_time + 34.days) } let_it_be(:issue5) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user, due_date: frozen_time - 8.days) } before do travel_to(frozen_time) end after do travel_back end it 'returns them all when argument is empty' do get api('/issues?due_date=', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue5.id, issue4.id, issue3.id, issue2.id, issue.id, closed_issue.id) end it 'returns issues without due date' do get api('/issues?due_date=0', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id, closed_issue.id) end it 'returns issues due for this week' do get api('/issues?due_date=week', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue2.id) end it 'returns issues due for this month' do get api('/issues?due_date=month', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue3.id, issue2.id) end it 'returns issues that are due previous two weeks and next month' do get api('/issues?due_date=next_month_and_previous_two_weeks', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue5.id, issue4.id, issue3.id, issue2.id) end it 'returns issues that are overdue' do get api('/issues?due_date=overdue', user) expect_paginated_array_response(issue5.id) end end context 'filter by labels or label_name param' do context 'N+1' do let(:label_b) { create(:label, title: 'foo', project: project) } let(:label_c) { create(:label, title: 'bar', project: project) } before do create(:label_link, label: label_b, target: issue) create(:label_link, label: label_c, target: issue) end it 'tests N+1' do control = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [label.title, label_b.title, label_c.title] } end label_d = create(:label, title: 'dar', project: project) label_e = create(:label, title: 'ear', project: project) create(:label_link, label: label_d, target: issue) create(:label_link, label: label_e, target: issue) expect do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [label.title, label_b.title, label_c.title] } end.not_to exceed_query_limit(control) expect(issue.labels.count).to eq(5) end end it 'returns an array of labeled issues' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: label.title } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title]) end it 'returns an array of labeled issues with labels param as array' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [label.title] } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title]) end context 'with labeled issues' do let(:label_b) { create(:label, title: 'foo', project: project) } let(:label_c) { create(:label, title: 'bar', project: project) } let(:issue2) { create(:issue, author: user, project: project) } before do create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue2) create(:label_link, label: label_b, target: issue) create(:label_link, label: label_b, target: issue2) create(:label_link, label: label_c, target: issue) get api('/issues', user), params: params end it_behaves_like 'labeled issues with labels and label_name params' end it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches labels' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: 'foo,bar' } expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches labels with labels param as array' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: %w(foo bar) } expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an array of labeled issues matching given state' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: label.title, state: :opened } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title]) expect(json_response.first['state']).to eq('opened') end it 'returns an array of labeled issues matching given state with labels param as array' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [label.title], state: :opened } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title]) expect(json_response.first['state']).to eq('opened') end it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches labels and state filters' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: label.title, state: :closed } expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an array of issues with any label' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: IssuableFinder::Params::FILTER_ANY } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end it 'returns an array of issues with any label with labels param as array' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [IssuableFinder::Params::FILTER_ANY] } expect_paginated_array_response(issue.id) end it 'returns an array of issues with no label' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: IssuableFinder::Params::FILTER_NONE } expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end it 'returns an array of issues with no label with labels param as array' do get api('/issues', user), params: { labels: [IssuableFinder::Params::FILTER_NONE] } expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end end context 'filter by milestone' do it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches milestone' do get api("/issues?milestone=#{empty_milestone.title}", user) expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an empty array if milestone does not exist' do get api('/issues?milestone=foo', user) expect_paginated_array_response([]) end it 'returns an array of issues in given milestone' do get api("/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}", user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns an array of issues in given milestone_title param' do get api("/issues?milestone_title=#{milestone.title}", user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns an array of issues matching state in milestone' do get api("/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}&state=closed", user) expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end it 'returns an array of issues with no milestone' do get api("/issues?milestone=#{no_milestone_title}", author) expect_paginated_array_response(confidential_issue.id) end it 'returns an array of issues with no milestone using milestone_title param' do get api("/issues?milestone_title=#{no_milestone_title}", author) expect_paginated_array_response(confidential_issue.id) end context 'negated' do it 'returns all issues if milestone does not exist' do get api('/issues?not[milestone]=foo', user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns all issues that do not belong to a milestone but have a milestone' do get api("/issues?not[milestone]=#{empty_milestone.title}", user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns an array of issues with any milestone' do get api("/issues?not[milestone]=#{no_milestone_title}", user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'returns an array of issues matching state not in milestone' do get api("/issues?not[milestone]=#{empty_milestone.title}&state=closed", user) expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end end end it 'returns an array of issues found by iids' do get api('/issues', user), params: { iids: [closed_issue.iid] } expect_paginated_array_response(closed_issue.id) end it 'returns an empty array if iid does not exist' do get api('/issues', user), params: { iids: [0] } expect_paginated_array_response([]) end context 'without sort params' do it 'sorts by created_at descending by default' do get api('/issues', user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end context 'with 2 issues with same created_at' do let!(:closed_issue2) do create :closed_issue, author: user, assignees: [user], project: project, milestone: milestone, created_at: closed_issue.created_at, updated_at: 1.hour.ago, title: issue_title, description: issue_description end it 'page breaks first page correctly' do get api('/issues?per_page=2', user) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue2.id]) end it 'page breaks second page correctly' do get api('/issues?per_page=2&page=2', user) expect_paginated_array_response([closed_issue.id]) end end end it 'sorts ascending when requested' do get api('/issues?sort=asc', user) expect_paginated_array_response([closed_issue.id, issue.id]) end it 'sorts by updated_at descending when requested' do get api('/issues?order_by=updated_at', user) issue.touch(:updated_at) expect_paginated_array_response([issue.id, closed_issue.id]) end it 'sorts by updated_at ascending when requested' do get api('/issues?order_by=updated_at&sort=asc', user) issue.touch(:updated_at) expect_paginated_array_response([closed_issue.id, issue.id]) end context 'with issues list sort options' do it 'accepts only predefined order by params' do API::Helpers::IssuesHelpers.sort_options.each do |sort_opt| get api('/issues', user), params: { order_by: sort_opt, sort: 'asc' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end it 'fails to sort with non predefined options' do %w(milestone title abracadabra).each do |sort_opt| get api('/issues', user), params: { order_by: sort_opt, sort: 'asc' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) end end end it 'matches V4 response schema' do get api('/issues', user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/issues') end it 'returns a related merge request count of 0 if there are no related merge requests' do get api('/issues', user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/issues') expect(json_response.first).to include('merge_requests_count' => 0) end it 'returns a related merge request count > 0 if there are related merge requests' do create(:merge_requests_closing_issues, issue: issue) get api('/issues', user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/issues') expect(json_response.first).to include('merge_requests_count' => 1) end context 'issues_statistics' do context 'no state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { {} } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'statistics when all state is passed' do let(:params) { { state: :all } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'closed state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { { state: :closed } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'opened state is treated as all state' do let(:params) { { state: :opened } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and no state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :all } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and closed state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :closed } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'when filtering by milestone and opened state treated as all state' do let(:params) { { milestone: milestone.title, state: :opened } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end context 'sort does not affect statistics ' do let(:params) { { state: :opened, order_by: 'updated_at' } } let(:counts) { { all: 2, closed: 1, opened: 1 } } it_behaves_like 'issues statistics' end end context 'filtering by assignee_username' do let(:another_assignee) { create(:assignee) } let!(:issue1) { create(:issue, author: user2, project: project, created_at: 3.days.ago) } let!(:issue2) { create(:issue, author: user2, project: project, created_at: 2.days.ago) } let!(:issue3) { create(:issue, author: user2, assignees: [assignee, another_assignee], project: project, created_at: 1.day.ago) } it 'returns issues with by assignee_username' do get api("/issues", user), params: { assignee_username: [assignee.username], scope: 'all' } expect(issue3.reload.assignees.pluck(:id)).to match_array([assignee.id, another_assignee.id]) expect_paginated_array_response([confidential_issue.id, issue3.id]) end it 'returns issues by assignee_username as string' do get api("/issues", user), params: { assignee_username: assignee.username, scope: 'all' } expect(issue3.reload.assignees.pluck(:id)).to match_array([assignee.id, another_assignee.id]) expect_paginated_array_response([confidential_issue.id, issue3.id]) end it 'returns error when multiple assignees are passed' do get api("/issues", user), params: { assignee_username: [assignee.username, another_assignee.username], scope: 'all' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response["error"]).to include("allows one value, but found 2") end it 'returns error when assignee_username and assignee_id are passed together' do get api("/issues", user), params: { assignee_username: [assignee.username], assignee_id: another_assignee.id, scope: 'all' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response["error"]).to include("mutually exclusive") end end context 'filtering by non_archived' do let_it_be(:archived_project) { create(:project, :archived, creator_id: user.id, namespace: user.namespace) } let_it_be(:archived_issue) { create(:issue, author: user, project: archived_project) } let_it_be(:active_issue) { create(:issue, author: user, project: project) } it 'returns issues from non archived projects by default' do get api('/issues', user) expect_paginated_array_response(active_issue.id, issue.id, closed_issue.id) end it 'returns issues from archived project with non_archived set as false' do get api("/issues", user), params: { non_archived: false } expect_paginated_array_response(active_issue.id, archived_issue.id, issue.id, closed_issue.id) end end end context "when returns issue merge_requests_count for different access levels" do let!(:merge_request1) do create(:merge_request, :simple, author: user, source_project: private_mrs_project, target_project: private_mrs_project, description: "closes #{issue.to_reference(private_mrs_project)}") end let!(:merge_request2) do create(:merge_request, :simple, author: user, source_project: project, target_project: project, description: "closes #{issue.to_reference}") end it_behaves_like 'accessible merge requests count' do let(:api_url) { "/issues" } let(:target_issue) { issue } end end end describe 'GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid' do it 'exposes full reference path' do get api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.iid}", user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['references']['short']).to eq("##{issue.iid}") expect(json_response['references']['relative']).to eq("##{issue.iid}") expect(json_response['references']['full']).to eq("#{project.parent.path}/#{project.path}##{issue.iid}") end end describe 'PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id' do it_behaves_like 'issuable update endpoint' do let(:entity) { issue } end end describe 'DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid' do it 'rejects a non member from deleting an issue' do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.iid}", non_member) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end it 'rejects a developer from deleting an issue' do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.iid}", author) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end context 'when the user is project owner' do let(:owner) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: owner.namespace) } it 'deletes the issue if an admin requests it' do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.iid}", owner) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) end it_behaves_like '412 response' do let(:request) { api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.iid}", owner) } end end context 'when issue does not exist' do it 'returns 404 when trying to delete an issue' do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/123", user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end it 'returns 404 when using the issue ID instead of IID' do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue.id}", user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end describe 'time tracking endpoints' do let(:issuable) { issue } include_examples 'time tracking endpoints', 'issue' end describe 'PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/reorder' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:issue1) { create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: 10) } let_it_be(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: 20) } let_it_be(:issue3) { create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: 30) } context 'when user has access' do before do project.add_developer(user) end context 'with valid params' do it 'reorders issues and returns a successful 200 response' do put api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue1.iid}/reorder", user), params: { move_after_id: issue2.id, move_before_id: issue3.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(issue1.reload.relative_position) .to be_between(issue2.reload.relative_position, issue3.reload.relative_position) end end context 'with invalid params' do it 'returns a unprocessable entity 422 response for invalid move ids' do put api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue1.iid}/reorder", user), params: { move_after_id: issue2.id, move_before_id: non_existing_record_id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) end it 'returns a not found 404 response for invalid issue id' do put api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{non_existing_record_iid}/reorder", user), params: { move_after_id: issue2.id, move_before_id: issue3.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end context 'with unauthorized user' do before do project.add_guest(user) end it 'responds with 403 forbidden' do put api("/projects/#{project.id}/issues/#{issue1.iid}/reorder", user), params: { move_after_id: issue2.id, move_before_id: issue3.id } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end end end end