# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Redis class HLL KEY_REGEX = %r{\A(\w|-|:)*\{\w*\}(\w|-|:)*\z}.freeze KeyFormatError = Class.new(StandardError) def self.count(params) self.new.count(params) end def self.add(params) self.new.add(params) end def count(keys:) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.pfcount(*keys) end end # Check a basic format for the Redis key in order to ensure the keys are in the same hash slot # # Examples of keys # project:{1}:set_a # project:{1}:set_b # project:{2}:set_c # 2020-216-{project_action} # i_{analytics}_dev_ops_score-2020-32 def add(key:, value:, expiry:) unless KEY_REGEX.match?(key) raise KeyFormatError.new("Invalid key format. #{key} key should have changeable parts in curly braces. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/redis.html#multi-key-commands") end Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.multi do |multi| multi.pfadd(key, value) multi.expire(key, expiry) end end end end end end