# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } describe 'validations' do it do is_expected.to validate_inclusion_of(:name) .in_array(%w[default gradualRolloutUserId userWithId gitlabUserList]) .with_message('strategy name is invalid') end describe 'parameters' do context 'when the strategy name is invalid' do where(:invalid_name) do [nil, {}, [], 'nothing', 3] end with_them do it 'skips parameters validation' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: invalid_name, parameters: { bad: 'params' }) expect(strategy.errors[:name]).to eq(['strategy name is invalid']) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to be_empty end end end context 'when the strategy name is gradualRolloutUserId' do where(:invalid_parameters) do [nil, {}, { percentage: '40', groupId: 'mygroup', userIds: '4' }, { percentage: '40' }, { percentage: '40', groupId: 'mygroup', extra: nil }, { groupId: 'mygroup' }] end with_them do it 'must have valid parameters for the strategy' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: invalid_parameters) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['parameters are invalid']) end end it 'allows the parameters in any order' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { percentage: '10', groupId: 'mygroup' }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to be_empty end describe 'percentage' do where(:invalid_value) do [50, 40.0, { key: "value" }, "garbage", "00", "01", "101", "-1", "-10", "0100", "1000", "10.0", "5%", "25%", "100hi", "e100", "30m", " ", "\r\n", "\n", "\t", "\n10", "20\n", "\n100", "100\n", "\n ", nil] end with_them do it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'mygroup', percentage: invalid_value }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['percentage must be a string between 0 and 100 inclusive']) end end where(:valid_value) do %w[0 1 10 38 100 93] end with_them do it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'mygroup', percentage: valid_value }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq([]) end end end describe 'groupId' do where(:invalid_value) do [nil, 4, 50.0, {}, 'spaces bad', 'bad$', '%bad', '', '!bad', '.bad', 'Bad', 'bad1', "", " ", "b" * 33, "ba_d", "ba\nd"] end with_them do it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: invalid_value, percentage: '40' }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['groupId parameter is invalid']) end end where(:valid_value) do ["somegroup", "anothergroup", "okay", "g", "a" * 32] end with_them do it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: valid_value, percentage: '40' }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq([]) end end end end context 'when the strategy name is userWithId' do where(:invalid_parameters) do [nil, { userIds: 'sam', percentage: '40' }, { userIds: 'sam', some: 'param' }, { percentage: '40' }, {}] end with_them do it 'must have valid parameters for the strategy' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', parameters: invalid_parameters) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['parameters are invalid']) end end describe 'userIds' do where(:valid_value) do ["", "sam", "1", "a", "uuid-of-some-kind", "sam,fred,tom,jane,joe,mike", "gitlab@example.com", "123,4", "UPPER,Case,charActeRS", "0", "$valid$email#2345#$%..{}+=-)?\\/@example.com", "spaces allowed", "a" * 256, "a,#{'b' * 256},ccc", "many spaces"] end with_them do it 'is valid with a string of comma separated values' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: valid_value }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to be_empty end end where(:invalid_value) do [1, 2.5, {}, [], nil, "123\n456", "1,2,3,12\t3", "\n", "\n\r", "joe\r,sam", "1,2,2", "1,,2", "1,2,,,,", "b" * 257, "1, ,2", "tim, ,7", " ", " ", " ,1", "1, ", " leading,1", "1,trailing ", "1, both ,2"] end with_them do it 'is invalid' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: invalid_value }) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to include( 'userIds must be a string of unique comma separated values each 256 characters or less' ) end end end end context 'when the strategy name is default' do where(:invalid_value) do [{ groupId: "hi", percentage: "7" }, "", "nothing", 7, nil, [], 2.5] end with_them do it 'must be empty' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: invalid_value) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['parameters are invalid']) end end it 'must be empty' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to be_empty end end context 'when the strategy name is gitlabUserList' do where(:invalid_value) do [{ groupId: "default", percentage: "7" }, "", "nothing", 7, nil, [], 2.5, { userIds: 'user1' }] end with_them do it 'must be empty' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gitlabUserList', parameters: invalid_value) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to eq(['parameters are invalid']) end end it 'must be empty' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gitlabUserList', parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:parameters]).to be_empty end end end describe 'associations' do context 'when name is gitlabUserList' do it 'is valid when associated with a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gitlabUserList', user_list: user_list, parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to be_empty end it 'is invalid without a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gitlabUserList', parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'is invalid when associated with a user list from another project' do other_project = create(:project) feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: other_project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gitlabUserList', user_list: user_list, parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to eq(['must belong to the same project']) end end context 'when name is default' do it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', user_list: user_list, parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to eq(['must be blank']) end it 'is valid without a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to be_empty end end context 'when name is userWithId' do it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', user_list: user_list, parameters: { userIds: 'user1' }) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to eq(['must be blank']) end it 'is valid without a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'user1' }) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to be_empty end end context 'when name is gradualRolloutUserId' do it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', user_list: user_list, parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' }) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to eq(['must be blank']) end it 'is valid without a user list' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' }) expect(strategy.errors[:user_list]).to be_empty end end end end end