# frozen_string_literal: true module SnippetsActions extend ActiveSupport::Concern include RendersNotes include RendersBlob include PaginatedCollection include Gitlab::NoteableMetadata include Snippets::SendBlob include SnippetsSort included do skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, if: -> { action_name == 'show' && js_request? } respond_to :html end def edit # We need to load some info from the existing blob snippet.content = blob.data snippet.file_name = blob.path render 'edit' end # This endpoint is being replaced by Snippets::BlobController#raw # Support for old raw links will be maintainted via this action but # it will only return the first blob found, # see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/217775 def raw workhorse_set_content_type! # Until we don't migrate all snippets to version # snippets we need to support old `SnippetBlob` # blobs if defined?(blob.snippet) send_data( convert_line_endings(blob.data), type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', disposition: content_disposition, filename: Snippet.sanitized_file_name(blob.name) ) else send_snippet_blob(snippet, blob) end end def js_request? request.format.js? end # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables def show respond_to do |format| format.html do conditionally_expand_blob(blob) @note = Note.new(noteable: @snippet, project: @snippet.project) @noteable = @snippet @discussions = @snippet.discussions @notes = prepare_notes_for_rendering(@discussions.flat_map(&:notes), @noteable) render 'show' end format.json do conditionally_expand_blob(blob) render_blob_json(blob) end format.js do if @snippet.embeddable? conditionally_expand_blobs(blobs) render 'shared/snippets/show' else head :not_found end end end end def update update_params = snippet_params.merge(spammable_params) service_response = Snippets::UpdateService.new(@snippet.project, current_user, update_params).execute(@snippet) @snippet = service_response.payload[:snippet] handle_repository_error(:edit) end def destroy service_response = Snippets::DestroyService.new(current_user, @snippet).execute if service_response.success? redirect_to gitlab_dashboard_snippets_path(@snippet), status: :found elsif service_response.http_status == 403 access_denied! else redirect_to gitlab_snippet_path(@snippet), status: :found, alert: service_response.message end end # rubocop:enable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables private # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables def blob @blob ||= blobs.first end def blobs @blobs ||= if snippet.empty_repo? [snippet.blob] else snippet.blobs end end # rubocop:enable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables def convert_line_endings(content) params[:line_ending] == 'raw' ? content : content.gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") end def handle_repository_error(action) errors = Array(snippet.errors.delete(:repository)) flash.now[:alert] = errors.first if errors.present? recaptcha_check_with_fallback(errors.empty?) { render action } end end