- if diff_view == 'parallel' - fluid_layout true - diff_files = safe_diff_files(diffs, diff_refs) .content-block.oneline-block .inline-parallel-buttons .btn-group = inline_diff_btn = parallel_diff_btn = render 'projects/diffs/stats', diff_files: diff_files - if diff_files.count < diffs.size = render 'projects/diffs/warning', diffs: diffs, shown_files_count: diff_files.count .files - diff_files.each_with_index do |diff_file, index| - diff_commit = commit_for_diff(diff_file) - blob = project.repository.blob_for_diff(diff_commit, diff_file) - next unless blob = render 'projects/diffs/file', i: index, project: project, diff_file: diff_file, diff_commit: diff_commit, blob: blob - if @diff_timeout .alert.alert-danger %h4 Failed to collect changes %p Maybe diff is really big and operation failed with timeout. Try to get diff locally