# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Packages::Nuget::ExtractionWorker, type: :worker do describe '#perform' do let!(:package) { create(:nuget_package) } let(:package_file) { package.package_files.first } let(:package_file_id) { package_file.id } let_it_be(:package_name) { 'DummyProject.DummyPackage' } let_it_be(:package_version) { '1.0.0' } subject { described_class.new.perform(package_file_id) } context 'with valid package file' do it 'updates package and package file' do expect { subject } .to not_change { Packages::Package.count } .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } end context 'with exisiting package' do let!(:existing_package) { create(:nuget_package, project: package.project, name: package_name, version: package_version) } it 'reuses existing package and updates package file' do expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(-1) .and change { existing_package.reload.package_files.count }.by(1) .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } end end end context 'with invalid package file id' do let(:package_file_id) { 5555 } it "doesn't update package and package file" do expect { subject } .to not_change { package.reload.name } .and not_change { package.version } .and not_change { package_file.reload.file_name } end end context 'with package file not containing a nuspec file' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Zip::File).to receive(:glob).and_return([]) end it 'removes the package and the package file' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( instance_of(::Packages::Nuget::MetadataExtractionService::ExtractionError), project_id: package.project_id ) expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(-1) .and change { Packages::PackageFile.count }.by(-1) end end context 'with package file with a blank package name' do before do allow_any_instance_of(::Packages::Nuget::UpdatePackageFromMetadataService).to receive(:package_name).and_return('') end it 'removes the package and the package file' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( instance_of(::Packages::Nuget::UpdatePackageFromMetadataService::InvalidMetadataError), project_id: package.project_id ) expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(-1) .and change { Packages::PackageFile.count }.by(-1) end end context 'with package file with a blank package version' do before do allow_any_instance_of(::Packages::Nuget::UpdatePackageFromMetadataService).to receive(:package_version).and_return('') end it 'removes the package and the package file' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( instance_of(::Packages::Nuget::UpdatePackageFromMetadataService::InvalidMetadataError), project_id: package.project_id ) expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(-1) .and change { Packages::PackageFile.count }.by(-1) end end end end