# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples 'issuables list meta-data' do |issuable_type, action = nil| include ProjectForksHelper def get_action(action, project, extra_params = {}) if action get action, params: { author_id: project.creator.id }.merge(extra_params) else get :index, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project }.merge(extra_params) end end def create_issuable(issuable_type, project, source_branch:) if issuable_type == :issue create(issuable_type, project: project, author: project.creator) else create(issuable_type, source_project: project, source_branch: source_branch, author: project.creator) end end let!(:issuables) do %w[fix improve/awesome].map do |source_branch| create_issuable(issuable_type, project, source_branch: source_branch) end end let(:issuable_ids) { issuables.map(&:id) } it "creates indexed meta-data object for issuable notes and votes count" do get_action(action, project) meta_data = assigns(:issuable_meta_data) aggregate_failures do expect(meta_data.keys).to match_array(issuables.map(&:id)) expect(meta_data.values).to all(be_kind_of(Gitlab::IssuableMetadata::IssuableMeta)) end end context 'searching' do let(:result_issuable) { issuables.first } let(:search) { result_issuable.title } before do stub_feature_flags(attempt_project_search_optimizations: true) end # .simple_sorts is the same across all Sortable classes sorts = ::Issue.simple_sorts.keys + %w[popularity priority label_priority] sorts.each do |sort| it "works when sorting by #{sort}" do get_action(action, project, search: search, sort: sort) expect(assigns(:issuable_meta_data).keys).to include(result_issuable.id) end end end it "avoids N+1 queries" do control = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { get_action(action, project) } issuable = create_issuable(issuable_type, project, source_branch: 'csv') if issuable_type == :merge_request issuable.update!(source_project: fork_project(project)) end expect { get_action(action, project) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control.count) end describe "when given empty collection" do let(:project2) { create(:project, :public) } it "doesn't execute any queries with false conditions" do get_empty = if action proc { get action, params: { author_id: project.creator.id } } else proc { get :index, params: { namespace_id: project2.namespace, project_id: project2 } } end expect(&get_empty).not_to make_queries_matching(/WHERE (?:1=0|0=1)/) end end end