# frozen_string_literal: true # These helpers help you interact within the Web IDE. # # Usage: # describe "..." do # include WebIdeSpecHelpers # ... # # ide_visit(project) # ide_create_new_file('path/to/file.txt', content: 'Lorem ipsum') # ide_commit # module WebIdeSpecHelpers include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper def ide_visit(project) visit project_path(project) wait_for_requests click_link('Web IDE') wait_for_requests end def ide_tree_body page.find('.ide-tree-body') end def ide_tree_actions page.find('.ide-tree-actions') end def ide_tab_selector(mode) ".js-ide-#{mode}-mode" end def ide_file_row_open?(row) row.matches_css?('.is-open') end # Creates a file in the IDE by expanding directories # then using the dropdown next to the parent directory # # - Throws an error if the parent directory is not found def ide_create_new_file(path, content: '') parent_path = path.split('/')[0...-1].join('/') container = ide_traverse_to_file(parent_path) if container click_file_action(container, 'New file') else ide_tree_actions.click_button('New file') end within '#ide-new-entry' do find('input').fill_in(with: path) click_button('Create file') end ide_set_editor_value(content) end # Deletes a file by traversing to `path` # then clicking the 'Delete' action. # # - Throws an error if the file is not found def ide_delete_file(path) container = ide_traverse_to_file(path) click_file_action(container, 'Delete') end # Opens parent directories until the file at `path` # is exposed. # # - Returns a reference to the file row at `path` # - Throws an error if the file is not found def ide_traverse_to_file(path) paths = path.split('/') container = nil paths.each_with_index do |path, index| ide_open_file_row(container) if container container = find_file_child(container, path, level: index) end container end def ide_open_file_row(row) return if ide_file_row_open?(row) row.click end def ide_set_editor_value(value) editor = find('.monaco-editor') uri = editor['data-uri'] execute_script("monaco.editor.getModel('#{uri}').setValue('#{escape_javascript(value)}')") end def ide_editor_value editor = find('.monaco-editor') uri = editor['data-uri'] evaluate_script("monaco.editor.getModel('#{uri}').getValue()") end def ide_commit_tab_selector ide_tab_selector('commit') end def ide_commit find(ide_commit_tab_selector).click commit_to_current_branch end private def file_row_container(row) row ? row.find(:xpath, '..') : ide_tree_body end def find_file_child(row, name, level: nil) container = file_row_container(row) container.find(".file-row[data-level=\"#{level}\"]", text: name) end def click_file_action(row, text) row.hover dropdown = row.find('.ide-new-btn') dropdown.find('button').click dropdown.find('button', text: text).click end def commit_to_current_branch(option: 'Commit to master branch', message: '') within '.multi-file-commit-form' do fill_in('commit-message', with: message) if message choose(option) click_button('Commit') wait_for_requests end end end