# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe AlertManagement::CreateAlertIssueService do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, group: group) } let_it_be(:payload) do { 'startsAt' => '2020-04-27T10:10:22.265949279Z', 'generatorURL' => 'http://8d467bd4607a:9090/graph?g0.expr=vector%281%29&g0.tab=1' } end let_it_be(:generic_alert, reload: true) { create(:alert_management_alert, :triggered, project: project, payload: payload) } let_it_be(:prometheus_alert, reload: true) { create(:alert_management_alert, :triggered, :prometheus, project: project, payload: payload) } let(:alert) { generic_alert } let(:alert_presenter) { alert.present } let(:created_issue) { Issue.last! } describe '#execute' do subject(:execute) { described_class.new(alert, user).execute } before do allow(user).to receive(:can?).and_call_original allow(user).to receive(:can?) .with(:create_issue, project) .and_return(can_create) end shared_examples 'creating an alert issue' do it 'creates an issue' do expect { execute }.to change { project.issues.count }.by(1) end it 'returns a created issue' do expect(execute.payload).to eq(issue: created_issue) end it 'has a successful status' do expect(execute).to be_success end it 'updates alert.issue_id' do execute expect(alert.reload.issue_id).to eq(created_issue.id) end it 'creates a system note' do expect { execute }.to change { alert.reload.notes.count }.by(1) end end shared_examples 'setting an issue attributes' do before do execute end it 'sets issue author to the current user' do expect(created_issue.author).to eq(user) end it 'sets the issue title' do expect(created_issue.title).to eq(alert.title) end it 'sets the issue description' do expect(created_issue.description).to include(alert_presenter.issue_summary_markdown.strip) end end context 'when a user is allowed to create an issue' do let(:can_create) { true } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'checks permissions' do execute expect(user).to have_received(:can?).with(:create_issue, project) end context 'when the alert is prometheus alert' do let(:alert) { prometheus_alert } let(:issue) { subject.payload[:issue] } it_behaves_like 'creating an alert issue' it_behaves_like 'setting an issue attributes' it_behaves_like 'create alert issue sets issue labels' end context 'when the alert is generic' do let(:alert) { generic_alert } let(:issue) { subject.payload[:issue] } it_behaves_like 'creating an alert issue' it_behaves_like 'setting an issue attributes' it_behaves_like 'create alert issue sets issue labels' end context 'when issue cannot be created' do let(:alert) { generic_alert } before do # Invalid alert alert.update_columns(title: '') end it 'has an unsuccessful status' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq("Title can't be blank") end end context 'when alert cannot be updated' do let(:alert) { create(:alert_management_alert, :with_validation_errors, :triggered, project: project, payload: payload) } it 'responds with error' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq('Hosts hosts array is over 255 chars') end end context 'when alert already has an attached issue' do let!(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } before do alert.update!(issue_id: issue.id) end it 'does not create yet another issue' do expect { execute }.not_to change(Issue, :count) end it 'responds with error' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq(_('An issue already exists')) end end end context 'when a user is not allowed to create an issue' do let(:can_create) { false } it 'checks permissions' do execute expect(user).to have_received(:can?).with(:create_issue, project) end it 'responds with error' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq(_('You have no permissions')) end end end end