# frozen_string_literal: true class Feature class Definition include ::Feature::Shared attr_reader :path attr_reader :attributes PARAMS.each do |param| define_method(param) do attributes[param] end end def initialize(path, opts = {}) @path = path @attributes = {} # assign nil, for all unknown opts PARAMS.each do |param| @attributes[param] = opts[param] end end def key name.to_sym end def validate! unless name.present? raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag is missing name" end unless path.present? raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' is missing path" end unless type.present? raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' is missing type. Ensure to update #{path}" end unless Definition::TYPES.include?(type.to_sym) raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' type '#{type}' is invalid. Ensure to update #{path}" end unless File.basename(path, ".yml") == name raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' has an invalid path: '#{path}'. Ensure to update #{path}" end unless File.basename(File.dirname(path)) == type raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' has an invalid type: '#{path}'. Ensure to update #{path}" end if default_enabled.nil? raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{name}' is missing default_enabled. Ensure to update #{path}" end end def valid_usage!(type_in_code:, default_enabled_in_code:) unless Array(type).include?(type_in_code.to_s) # Raise exception in test and dev raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "The `type:` of `#{key}` is not equal to config: " \ "#{type_in_code} vs #{type}. Ensure to use valid type in #{path} or ensure that you use " \ "a valid syntax: #{TYPES.dig(type, :example)}" end # We accept an array of defaults as some features are undefined # and have `default_enabled: true/false` unless Array(default_enabled).include?(default_enabled_in_code) # Raise exception in test and dev raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "The `default_enabled:` of `#{key}` is not equal to config: " \ "#{default_enabled_in_code} vs #{default_enabled}. Ensure to update #{path}" end end def to_h attributes end class << self def paths @paths ||= [Rails.root.join('config', 'feature_flags', '**', '*.yml')] end def definitions @definitions ||= {} end def load_all! definitions.clear paths.each do |glob_path| load_all_from_path!(glob_path) end definitions end def valid_usage!(key, type:, default_enabled:) if definition = definitions[key.to_sym] definition.valid_usage!(type_in_code: type, default_enabled_in_code: default_enabled) elsif type_definition = self::TYPES[type] raise InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Missing feature definition for `#{key}`" unless type_definition[:optional] else raise InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Unknown feature flag type used: `#{type}`" end end private def load_from_file(path) definition = File.read(path) definition = YAML.safe_load(definition) definition.deep_symbolize_keys! self.new(path, definition).tap(&:validate!) rescue => e raise Feature::InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Invalid definition for `#{path}`: #{e.message}" end def load_all_from_path!(glob_path) Dir.glob(glob_path).each do |path| definition = load_from_file(path) if previous = definitions[definition.key] raise InvalidFeatureFlagError, "Feature flag '#{definition.key}' is already defined in '#{previous.path}'" end definitions[definition.key] = definition end end end end end Feature::Definition.prepend_if_ee('EE::Feature::Definition')