/** * Common code between environmets app and folder view */ import _ from 'underscore'; import Visibility from 'visibilityjs'; import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll'; import { getParameterByName } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import { s__ } from '../../locale'; import Flash from '../../flash'; import eventHub from '../event_hub'; import EnvironmentsStore from '../stores/environments_store'; import EnvironmentsService from '../services/environments_service'; import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue'; import environmentTable from '../components/environments_table.vue'; import tabs from '../../vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue'; import container from '../components/container.vue'; export default { components: { environmentTable, container, tabs, tablePagination, }, data() { const store = new EnvironmentsStore(); return { store, state: store.state, isLoading: false, isMakingRequest: false, scope: getParameterByName('scope') || 'available', page: getParameterByName('page') || '1', requestData: {}, environmentInStopModal: {}, }; }, methods: { saveData(resp) { this.isLoading = false; if (_.isEqual(resp.config.params, this.requestData)) { this.store.storeAvailableCount(resp.data.available_count); this.store.storeStoppedCount(resp.data.stopped_count); this.store.storeEnvironments(resp.data.environments); this.store.setPagination(resp.headers); } }, /** * Handles URL and query parameter changes. * When the user uses the pagination or the tabs, * - update URL * - Make API request to the server with new parameters * - Update the polling function * - Update the internal state */ updateContent(parameters) { this.updateInternalState(parameters); // fetch new data return this.service .fetchEnvironments(this.requestData) .then(response => this.successCallback(response)) .then(() => { // restart polling this.poll.restart({ data: this.requestData }); }) .catch(() => { this.errorCallback(); // restart polling this.poll.restart(); }); }, errorCallback() { this.isLoading = false; Flash(s__('Environments|An error occurred while fetching the environments.')); }, postAction({ endpoint, errorMessage }) { if (!this.isMakingRequest) { this.isLoading = true; this.service .postAction(endpoint) .then(() => this.fetchEnvironments()) .catch(() => { this.isLoading = false; Flash(errorMessage || s__('Environments|An error occurred while making the request.')); }); } }, fetchEnvironments() { this.isLoading = true; return this.service .fetchEnvironments(this.requestData) .then(this.successCallback) .catch(this.errorCallback); }, updateStopModal(environment) { this.environmentInStopModal = environment; }, stopEnvironment(environment) { const endpoint = environment.stop_path; const errorMessage = s__( 'Environments|An error occurred while stopping the environment, please try again', ); this.postAction({ endpoint, errorMessage }); }, }, computed: { tabs() { return [ { name: s__('Available'), scope: 'available', count: this.state.availableCounter, isActive: this.scope === 'available', }, { name: s__('Stopped'), scope: 'stopped', count: this.state.stoppedCounter, isActive: this.scope === 'stopped', }, ]; }, }, /** * Fetches all the environments and stores them. * Toggles loading property. */ created() { this.service = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint); this.requestData = { page: this.page, scope: this.scope, nested: true }; this.poll = new Poll({ resource: this.service, method: 'fetchEnvironments', data: this.requestData, successCallback: this.successCallback, errorCallback: this.errorCallback, notificationCallback: isMakingRequest => { this.isMakingRequest = isMakingRequest; }, }); if (!Visibility.hidden()) { this.isLoading = true; this.poll.makeRequest(); } else { this.fetchEnvironments(); } Visibility.change(() => { if (!Visibility.hidden()) { this.poll.restart(); } else { this.poll.stop(); } }); eventHub.$on('postAction', this.postAction); eventHub.$on('requestStopEnvironment', this.updateStopModal); eventHub.$on('stopEnvironment', this.stopEnvironment); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('postAction', this.postAction); eventHub.$off('requestStopEnvironment', this.updateStopModal); eventHub.$off('stopEnvironment', this.stopEnvironment); }, };