info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
Review Apps are deployed using the `start-review-app-pipeline` job which triggers a child pipeline containing a series of jobs to perform the various tasks needed to deploy a Review App.
the QA smoke suite and the `review-qa-reliable` executes E2E tests identified as [reliable](
`review-qa-*` jobs ensure that end-to-end tests for the changes in the merge request pass in a live environment. This shifts the identification of e2e failures from an environment on the path to production to the merge request, to prevent breaking features on or costly deployment blockers. `review-qa-*` failures should be investigated with counterpart SET involvement if needed to help determine the root cause of the error.
the `allure-report-qa-smoke`, `allure-report-qa-reliable`, and `allure-report-qa-all` jobs. A comment with links to the reports are added to the merge request.
Errors can be found in the `gitlab-review-apps` Sentry project and [filterable by Review App URL]( or [commit SHA](
### Bypass failed review app deployment to merge a broken `master` fix
Maintainers can elect to use the [process for merging during broken `master`]( if a customer-critical merge request is blocked by pipelines failing due to review app deployment failures.
Upon deployment of a review app, project data is created from the [`sample-gitlab-project`]( template project. This aims to provide projects with prepopulated resources to facilitate manual and exploratory testing.
The sample projects will be created in the `root` user namespace and can be accessed from the personal projects list for that user.
You need to [open an access request (internal link)](
for the `gcp-review-apps-dev` GCP group and role.
This grants you the following permissions for:
- [Retrieving pod logs](#dig-into-a-pods-logs). Granted by [Viewer (`roles/viewer`)](
- [Running a Rails console](#run-a-rails-console). Granted by [Kubernetes Engine Developer (`roles/container.pods.exec`)](
### Log into my Review App
For GitLab Team Members only. If you want to sign in to the review app, review
the GitLab handbook information for the [shared 1Password account](
- The default username is `root`.
- The password can be found in the 1Password login item named `GitLab EE Review App`.
### Enable a feature flag for my Review App
1. Open your Review App and log in as documented above.
1. Create a personal access token.
1. Enable the feature flag using the [Feature flag API](../../api/
### Find my Review App slug
1. Open the `review-deploy` job.
1. Look for `** Deploying review-*`.
1. For instance for `** Deploying review-1234-abc-defg... **`,
your Review App slug would be `review-1234-abc-defg` in this case.
### Run a Rails console
1. Make sure you [have access to the cluster](#get-access-to-the-gcp-review-apps-cluster) and the `container.pods.exec` permission first.
1. [Filter Workloads by your Review App slug]( For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0`.
1. Find and open the `toolbox` Deployment. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-toolbox`.
1. [Filter Workloads by your Review App slug]( For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0`.
1. Find and open the `migrations` Deployment. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-migrations.1`.
Alternatively, you could use the [Logs Explorer](;query=?project=gitlab-review-apps) which provides more utility to search logs. An example query for a pod name is as follows:
C["review-deploy<br><br>Helm deploys the Review App using the Cloud<br/>Native images built by the CNG-mirror pipeline.<br><br>Cloud Native images are deployed to the `review-apps`<br>Kubernetes (GKE) cluster, in the GCP `gitlab-review-apps` project."]
The cluster is configured via Terraform in the [`engineering-productivity-infrastructure`]( project.
The [Review Apps Overview dashboard](
See the [review apps page of the Engineering Productivity Runbook]( for troubleshooting review app releases.