info: "See the Technical Writers assigned to Development Guidelines:"
- [🎬 GraphQL at GitLab: Deep Dive](../ (video) by Nick Thomas
- An overview of the history of GraphQL at GitLab (not frontend-specific)
- [🎬 GitLab Feature Walkthrough with GraphQL and Vue Apollo]( (video) by Natalia Tepluhina
- A real-life example of implementing a frontend feature in GitLab using GraphQL
- [🎬 History of client-side GraphQL at GitLab]( (video) Illya Klymov and Natalia Tepluhina
- [🎬 From Vuex to Apollo]( (video) by Natalia Tepluhina
- A useful overview of when Apollo might be a better choice than Vuex, and how one could go about the transition
- [🛠 Vuex -> Apollo Migration: a proof-of-concept project](
- A collection of examples that show the possible approaches for state management with Vue+GraphQL+(Vuex or Apollo) apps
### Libraries
We use [Apollo]( (specifically [Apollo Client]( and [Vue Apollo](
when using GraphQL for frontend development.
If you are using GraphQL within a Vue application, the [Usage in Vue](#usage-in-vue) section
can help you learn how to integrate Vue Apollo.
For other use cases, check out the [Usage outside of Vue](#usage-outside-of-vue) section.
-`cacheConfig` field accepts an optional object of settings to [customize Apollo cache](
-`baseUrl` allows us to pass a URL for GraphQL endpoint different from our main endpoint (i.e.`${gon.relative_url_root}/api/graphql`)
-`assumeImmutableResults` (set to `false` by default) - this setting, when set to `true`, will assume that every single operation on updating Apollo Cache is immutable. It also sets `freezeResults` to `true`, so any attempt on mutating Apollo Cache will throw a console warning in development environment. Please ensure you're following the immutability pattern on cache update operations before setting this option to `true`.
[Fragments]( are a way to make your complex GraphQL queries more readable and re-usable. Here is an example of GraphQL fragment:
GitLab's GraphQL API expresses `id` fields as Global IDs rather than the PostgreSQL
primary key `id`. Global ID is [a convention](
used for caching and fetching in client-side libraries.
To convert a Global ID to the primary key `id`, you can use `getIdFromGraphQLId`:
import { getIdFromGraphQLId } from '~/graphql_shared/utils';
const primaryKeyId = getIdFromGraphQLId(;
## Immutability and cache updates
From Apollo version 3.0.0 all the cache updates need to be immutable; it needs to be replaced entirely
with a **new and updated** object.
To facilitate the process of updating the cache and returning the new object we use the library [Immer](
When possible, follow these conventions:
- The updated cache is named `data`.
- The original cache data is named `sourceData`.
A typical update process looks like this:
const sourceData = client.readQuery({ query });
const data = produce(sourceData, draftState => {
As shown in the code example by using `produce`, we can perform any kind of direct manipulation of the
`draftState`. Besides, `immer` guarantees that a new state which includes the changes to `draftState` will be generated.
Finally, to verify whether the immutable cache update is working properly, we need to change
`assumeImmutableResults` to `true` in the `default client config` (see [Apollo Client](#apollo-client) for more info).
If everything is working properly `assumeImmutableResults` should remain set to `true`.
We can query local data with `@client` Apollo directive:
// user.query.graphql
query User {
user @client {
Along with creating local data, we can also extend existing GraphQL types with `@client` fields. This is extremely useful when we need to mock an API responses for fields not yet added to our GraphQL API.
#### Mocking API response with local Apollo cache
Using local Apollo Cache is handy when we have a need to mock some GraphQL API responses, queries or mutations locally (e.g. when they're still not added to our actual API).
For example, we have a [fragment](#fragments) on `DesignVersion` used in our queries:
We need to fetch also version author and the 'created at' property to display them in the versions dropdown but these changes are still not implemented in our API. We can change the existing fragment to get a mocked response for these new fields:
Now Apollo will try to find a _resolver_ for every field marked with `@client` directive. Let's create a resolver for `DesignVersion` type (why `DesignVersion`? because our fragment was created on this type).
Now every single time on attempt to fetch a version, our client will fetch `id` and `sha` from the remote API endpoint and will assign our hardcoded values to `author` and `createdAt` version properties. With this data, frontend developers are able to work on UI part without being blocked by backend. When actual response is added to the API, a custom local resolver can be removed fast and the only change to query/fragment is `@client` directive removal.
Read more about local state management with Apollo in the [Vue Apollo documentation](
When Apollo Client is used within Vuex and fetched data is stored in the Vuex store, there is no need in keeping Apollo Client cache enabled. Otherwise we would have data from the API stored in two places - Vuex store and Apollo Client cache. More to say, with Apollo's default settings, a subsequent fetch from the GraphQL API could result in fetching data from Apollo cache (in the case where we have the same query and variables). To prevent this behavior, we need to disable Apollo Client cache passing a valid `fetchPolicy` option to its constructor:
Every connection type (for example, `DesignConnection` and `DiscussionConnection`) has a field `pageInfo` that contains an information required for pagination:
pageInfo {
-`startCursor` and `endCursor` display the cursor of the first and last items
-`hasPreviousPage` and `hasNextPage` allow us to check if there are more pages
available before or after the current page.
When we fetch data with a connection type, we can pass cursor as `after` or `before`
parameter, indicating a starting or ending point of our pagination. They should be
followed with `first` or `last` parameter respectively to indicate _how many_ items
we want to fetch after or before a given endpoint.
For example, here we're fetching 10 designs after a cursor:
If we need to test how our component renders when results from the GraphQL API are still loading, we can mock a loading state into respective Apollo queries/mutations:
To test the logic of Apollo cache updates, we might want to mock an Apollo Client in our unit tests. To separate tests with mocked client from 'usual' unit tests, it's recommended to create an additional component factory. This way we only create Apollo Client instance when it's necessary:
function createComponent() {...}
function createComponentWithApollo() {...}
We use [`mock-apollo-client`]( library to mock Apollo client in tests.
import { createMockClient } from 'mock-apollo-client';
Then we need to inject `VueApollo` to Vue local instance (`localVue.use()` can also be called within `createComponentWithApollo()`)
import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo';
import { createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
After this, on the global `describe`, we should create a variable for `fakeApollo`:
describe('Some component with Apollo mock', () => {
let wrapper;
let fakeApollo
Within component factory, we need to define an array of _handlers_ for every query or mutation:
import getDesignListQuery from '~/design_management/graphql/queries/get_design_list.query.graphql';
import permissionsQuery from '~/design_management/graphql/queries/design_permissions.query.graphql';
import moveDesignMutation from '~/design_management/graphql/mutations/move_design.mutation.graphql';
describe('Some component with Apollo mock', () => {
When mocking resolved values, make sure the structure of the response is the same as actual API response: i.e. root property should be `data` for example
When testing queries, please keep in mind they are promises, so they need to be _resolved_ to render a result. Without resolving, we can check the `loading` state of the query:
GitLab's GraphQL mutations currently have two distinct error modes: [Top-level](#top-level-errors) and [errors-as-data](#errors-as-data).
When utilising a GraphQL mutation, we must consider handling **both of these error modes** to ensure that the user receives the appropriate feedback when an error occurs.
### Top-level errors
These errors are located at the "top level" of a GraphQL response. These are non-recoverable errors including argument errors and syntax errors, and should not be presented directly to the user.
Apollo is aware of top-level errors, so we are able to leverage Apollo's various error-handling mechanisms to handle these errors (e.g. handling Promise rejections after invoking the [`mutate`]( method, or handling the `error` event emitted from the [`ApolloMutation`]( component).
Because these errors are not intended for users, error messages for top-level errors should be defined client-side.
### Errors-as-data
These errors are nested within the `data` object of a GraphQL response. These are recoverable errors that, ideally, can be presented directly to the user.
#### Handling errors-as-data
First, we must add `errors` to our mutation object:
mutation createNoteMutation($input: String!) {
createNoteMutation(input: $input) {
note {
+ errors
Now, when we commit this mutation and errors occur, the response will include `errors` for us to handle:
data: {
mutationName: {
errors: ["Sorry, we were not able to update the note."]
When handling errors-as-data, use your best judgement to determine whether to present the error message in the response, or another message defined client-side, to the user.