Find here the [source code setting the attribute](
The `rake routes` command can be used to list all the routes available in the application, piping the output into `grep`, we can perform a search through the list of available routes.
The output includes the request types available, route parameters and the relevant controller.
### 4. My submit form button becomes disabled after submitting
If you are using a submit button inside a form and you attach an `onSubmit` event listener on the form element, [this piece of code]( will add a `disabled` class selector to the submit button when the form is submitted.
To avoid this behavior, add the class `js-no-auto-disable` to the button.
### 5. Should I use a full URL (i.e. `gon.gitlab_url`) or a full path (i.e. `gon.relative_url_root`) when referencing backend endpoints?
It's preferred to use a **full path** over a **full URL** because the URL will use the hostname configured with
### 7. How can I test the production build locally?
Sometimes it's necessary to test locally what the frontend production build would produce, to do so the steps are:
1. Stop webpack: `gdk stop webpack`.
1. Open `gitlab.yaml` located in your `gitlab` installation folder, scroll down to the `webpack` section and change `dev_server` to `enabled: false`.
1. Run `yarn webpack-prod && gdk restart rails-web`.
The production build takes a few minutes to be completed; any code change at this point will be
displayed only after executing the item 3 above again.
To return to the normal development mode:
1. Open `gitlab.yaml` located in your `gitlab` installation folder, scroll down to the `webpack` section and change back `dev_server` to `enabled: true`.
1. Run `yarn clean` to remove the production assets and free some space (optional).