# Please delete this line and above before submitting your merge request.
- title:"Deployment API returns error when `updated_at` and `updated_at` are not used together"# (required) Clearly explain the change, or planned change. For example, "The `confidential` field for a `Note` is deprecated" or "CI/CD job names will be limited to 250 characters."
announcement_milestone:"15.8"# (required) The milestone when this feature was first announced as deprecated.
announcement_date:"2023-01-22"# (required) The date of the milestone release when this feature was first announced as deprecated. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post.
removal_milestone:"16.0"# (required) The milestone when this feature is planned to be removed
removal_date:2023-05-22# (required) The date of the milestone release when this feature is planned to be removed. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post.
breaking_change:true# (required) Change to false if this is not a breaking change.
reporter:cbalane # (required) GitLab username of the person reporting the change
stage:Release # (required) String value of the stage that the feature was created in. e.g., Growth
issue_url:https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328500 # (required) Link to the deprecation issue in GitLab
body:| # (required) Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below.
The Deployment API will now return an error when `updated_at` filtering and `updated_at` sorting are not used together. Some users were using filtering by `updated_at` to fetch "latest" deployment without using `updated_at` sorting, which may produce wrong results. You should instead use them together, or migrate to filtering by `finished_at` and sorting by `finished_at` which will give you "latest deployments" in a consistent way.
# If an End of Support period applies, the announcement should be shared with GitLab Support
# in the `#spt_managers` channel in Slack, and mention `@gitlab-com/support` in this MR.
end_of_support_milestone:# (optional) Use "XX.YY" format. The milestone when support for this feature will end.
end_of_support_date:# (optional) The date of the milestone release when support for this feature will end.
tiers:# (optional - may be required in the future) An array of tiers that the feature is available in currently. e.g., [Free, Silver, Gold, Core, Premium, Ultimate]
documentation_url:# (optional) This is a link to the current documentation page
image_url:# (optional) This is a link to a thumbnail image depicting the feature
video_url:# (optional) Use the youtube thumbnail URL with the structure of https://img.youtube.com/vi/UNIQUEID/hqdefault.jpg