<tdstyle="width: 22%"><imgsrc="img/icons/lock.png"alt="Secure your website"class="image-noshadow half-width"></td>
<td><em>Use any static website generator or plain HTML</em></td>
<td><em>Create websites for your projects, groups, or user account</em></td>
<td><em>Host on GitLab.com for free, or on your own GitLab instance</em></td>
<td><em>Connect your custom domain(s) and TLS certificates</em></td>
Pages is available for free for all GitLab.com users as well as for self-managed
instances (GitLab Core, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate).
## Overview
<pstyle="margin-top: 18px;">
To publish a website with Pages, you can use any Static Site Generator (SSG),
such as Jekyll, Hugo, Middleman, Harp, Hexo, and Brunch, just to name a few. You can also
publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.</p>
<p>Pages does <strong>not</strong> support dynamic server-side processing, for instance, as <code>.php</code> and <code>.asp</code> requires. See this article to learn more about
<ahref="https://about.gitlab.com/2016/06/03/ssg-overview-gitlab-pages-part-1-dynamic-x-static/">static websites vs dynamic websites</a>.</p>
<divclass="col-md-3"><imgsrc="img/ssgs_pages.png"alt="Examples of SSGs supported by Pages"class="image-noshadow middle display-block"></div>
### Availability
If you're using GitLab.com, your website will be publicly available to the internet.
If you're using self-managed instances (Core, Starter, Premium, or Ultimate),
your websites will be published on your own server, according to the
[Pages admin settings](../../../administration/pages/index.md) chosen by your sysdamin,
who can opt for making them public or internal to your server.
### How it works
To use GitLab Pages, first you need to create a project in GitLab to upload your website's
files to. These projects can be either public, internal, or private, at your own choice.
GitLab will always deploy your website from a very specific folder called `public` in your
repository. Note that when you create a new project in GitLab, a [repository](../repository/index.md)
becomes available automatically.
To deploy your site, GitLab will use its built-in tool called [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/README.md),
that will build your site and publish it to the GitLab Pages server. The sequence of
scripts that GitLab CI/CD runs to accomplish this task is created from a file named
`.gitlab-ci.yml`, which you can [create and modify](getting_started_part_four.md) at will.
You can either use GitLab's [default domain for GitLab Pages websites](getting_started_part_one.md#gitlab-pages-domain),
`*.gitlab.io`, or your own domain (`example.com`). In that case, you'll
need admin access to your domain's registrar (or control panel) to set it up with Pages.
Optionally, when adding your own domain, you can add an SSL/TLS certificate to secure your
site under the HTTPS protocol.
## Getting started
To get started with GitLab Pages, you can either [create a project from scratch](getting_started_part_two.md#create-a-project-from-scratch)
or quickly start from copying an existing example project, as follows:
1. Choose an [example project](https://gitlab.com/pages) to [fork](../../../gitlab-basics/fork-project.md#how-to-fork-a-project):
**<iclass="fa fa-youtube-play youtube"aria-hidden="true"></i> Watch a [video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWqh9MtT4Bg) with all the steps above!**
- [Static websites and GitLab Pages domains](getting_started_part_one.md): Understand what is a static website, and how GitLab Pages default domains work
- [Projects for GitLab Pages and URL structure](getting_started_part_two.md): Forking projects and creating new ones from scratch, understanding URLs structure and baseurls
- [GitLab Pages custom domains and SSL/TLS Certificates](getting_started_part_three.md): How to add custom domains and subdomains to your website, configure DNS records and SSL/TLS certificates
- [Creating and Tweaking GitLab CI/CD for GitLab Pages](getting_started_part_four.md): Understand how to create your own `.gitlab-ci.yml` for your site
- [Let's Encrypt](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/04/11/tutorial-securing-your-gitlab-pages-with-tls-and-letsencrypt/) (mind that although this article is out-of-date, it can still be useful to guide you through the basic steps)
- [Building a new GitLab docs site with Nanoc, GitLab CI, and GitLab Pages](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/12/07/building-a-new-gitlab-docs-site-with-nanoc-gitlab-ci-and-gitlab-pages/)
- [Publish code coverage reports with GitLab Pages](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/11/03/publish-code-coverage-report-with-gitlab-pages/)
## Admin GitLab Pages for CE and EE
Enable and configure GitLab Pages on your own instance (GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Editions) with
the [admin guide](../../../administration/pages/index.md).
**<iclass="fa fa-youtube-play youtube"aria-hidden="true"></i> Watch a [video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8c7WNcc6s) for getting started with GitLab Pages admin!**
- Announcement (2016-12-24): ["We're bringing GitLab Pages to CE"](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/12/24/were-bringing-gitlab-pages-to-community-edition/)
- Announcement (2017-03-06): ["We are changing the IP of GitLab Pages on GitLab.com"](https://about.gitlab.com/2017/03/06/we-are-changing-the-ip-of-gitlab-pages-on-gitlab-com/)