<!-- Any MRs that need to be rolled back? Communication that needs to happen? What are some things you can think of that could go wrong - data loss or broken pages? -->
Note: you can use the [CXL calculator](https://cxl.com/ab-test-calculator/) to determine if your experiment has reached significance. The calculator includes an estimate for how much longer an experiment must run for before reaching significance.
- [ ] [Confirm that end-to-end tests pass with the feature flag enabled](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/feature_flags.html#confirming-that-end-to-end-tests-pass-with-a-feature-flag-enabled). If there are failing tests, contact the relevant [stable counterpart in the Quality department](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors) to collaborate in updating the tests or confirming that the failing tests are not caused by the changes behind the enabled feature flag.
- [ ] Enable on GitLab.com for individual groups/projects listed above and verify behaviour (`/chatops run feature set --project=gitlab-org/gitlab feature_name true`)
- [ ] Coordinate a time to enable the flag with the SRE oncall and release managers
- In `#production` mention `@sre-oncall` and `@release-managers`. Once an SRE on call and Release Manager on call confirm, you can proceed with the rollout
- [ ] Announce on the issue an estimated time this will be enabled on GitLab.com
- [ ] Enable on GitLab.com by running chatops command in `#production` (`/chatops run feature set feature_name true`)
- [ ] Cross post chatops Slack command to `#support_gitlab-com` ([more guidance when this is necessary in the dev docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/controls.html#where-to-run-commands)) and in your team channel
- [ ] Announce on the issue that the flag has been enabled
- [ ] Remove experiment code and feature flag and add changelog entry - a separate [cleanup issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Experiment%20Successful%20Cleanup) might be required
- [ ] After the flag removal is deployed, [clean up the feature flag](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/controls.html#cleaning-up) by running chatops command in `#production` channel
- [ ] Assign to the product manager to update the [knowledge base](https://about.gitlab.com/direction/growth/#growth-insights-knowledge-base) (if applicable)