> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/11845) in GitLab 11.4.
CAUTION: **Warning:**
This an _alpha_ feature and is subject to change at any time without
prior notice.
Feature flags allow you to ship a project in different flavors by
dynamically toggling certain functionality.
## Overview
Feature Flags offer a feature toggle system for your application. They enable teams
to achieve Continuous Delivery by deploying new features to production at smaller
batches for controlled testing, separating feature delivery from customer launch.
This helps reducing risk and allows you to easily manage which features to enable.
GitLab offers a Feature Flags interface that allows you to create, toggle and
remove feature flags.
## How it works
Underneath, GitLab uses [unleash](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash), a feature
toggle service. GitLab provides an API where your application can talk to and get the
list of feature flags you set in GitLab.
The application must be configured to talk to GitLab, so that's up to the
developers to use a compatible [client library](#client-libraries) and
integrate it in their app.
By setting a flag active or inactive via GitLab, your application will automatically
know which features to enable or disable respectively.
## Adding a new feature flag
To add a new feature flag:
1. Navigate to your project's **Operations > Feature Flags**.
1. Click on the **New Feature Flag** button.
1. Give it a name.
NOTE: **Note:**
A name can contain only lowercase letters, digits, underscores (`_`)
and dashes (`-`), must start with a letter, and cannot end with a dash (`-`)
or an underscore (`_`).
1. Give it a description (optional, 255 characters max).
1. Define environment [specs](#define-environment-specs). If you want the flag on by default, enable the catch-all [wildcard spec (`*`)](#define-environment-specs)
1. Click **Create feature flag**.
Once a feature flag is created, the list of existing feature flags will be presented
with ability to edit or remove them.
To make a feature flag active or inactive, click the pencil icon to edit it,
and toggle the status for each [spec](#define-environment-specs).
![Feature flags list](img/feature_flags_list.png)
## Define environment specs
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/8621) in GitLab 11.8.
In general, an application is deployed to multiple environments, such as
production, staging and [review apps](../../../ci/review_apps/index.md).
For example, you may not want to enable a feature flag on production until your QA team has
first confirmed that the feature is working correctly on testing environments.
To handle these situations, you can enable a feature flag on a particular environment
with [Environment specs](../../../ci/environments.md#scoping-environments-with-specs-premium).
You can define multiple specs per flag so that you can control your feature flag more granularly.
To define specs for each environment:
1. Navigate to your project's **Operations > Feature Flags**.
1. Click on the **New Feature Flag** button or edit an existing flag.
1. Set the status of the default [spec](../../../ci/environments.md#scoping-environments-with-specs-premium) (`*`). Choose a rollout strategy. This status and rollout strategy combination will be used for _all_ environments.
1. If you want to enable/disable the feature on a specific environment, create a new [spec](../../../ci/environments.md#scoping-environments-with-specs-premium) and type the environment name.
1. Set the status and rollout strategy of the additional spec. This status and rollout strategy combination takes precedence over the default spec since we always use the most specific match available.
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/8240) in GitLab 12.2.
The selected rollout strategy affects which users will experience the feature enabled.
The status of an environment spec ultimately determines whether or not a feature is enabled at all.
For instance, a feature will always be disabled for every user if the matching environment spec has a disabled status, regardless of the chosen rollout strategy.
However, a feature will be enabled for 50% of logged-in users if the matching environment spec has an enabled status along with a **Percent rollout (logged in users)** strategy set to 50%.
### All users
Enables the feature for all users.
**All users** is implemented using the Unleash [default](https://unleash.github.io/docs/activation_strategy#default) activation strategy.
### Percent rollout (logged in users)
**Percent rollout (logged in users)** enables the feature for a percentage of authenticated users. Set a value of 15%, for example, to enable the feature for 15% of authenticated users.
A rollout percentage may be between 0% and 100%.
CAUTION: **Caution:**
If this strategy is selected, then the Unleash client **must** be given a user id for the feature to be enabled. See the [Ruby example](#ruby-application-example) below.
**Percent rollout (logged in users)** is implemented using the Unleash [gradualRolloutUserId](https://unleash.github.io/docs/activation_strategy#gradualrolloutuserid) activation strategy.
## Target Users
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/8240) in GitLab 12.2.
A feature flag may be enabled for a list of target users.
![Feature flag target users](img/target_users_v12_2.png)
CAUTION: **Caution:**
The Unleash client **must** be given a user id for the feature to be enabled for target users. See the [Ruby example](#ruby-application-example) below.
**Target users** is implemented using the Unleash [userWithId](https://unleash.github.io/docs/activation_strategy#userwithid) activation strategy.