For more information on each configuration option refer to the [OmniAuth OpenID Connect usage documentation](
and the [OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification](
-`<custom_provider_icon>` (optional) is the icon that will be displayed on the login page. Icons for the major social login platforms are built-in into GitLab,
but can be overridden by specifying this parameter. Both local paths and absolute URLs are accepted.
-`<your_oidc_url>` (optional) is the URL that points to the OpenID Connect provider. For example, ``.
If this value is not provided, the URL is constructed from the `client_options` in the following format: `<client_options.scheme>://<>:<client_options.port>`.
- If `discovery` is set to `true`, the OpenID Connect provider will try to auto discover the client options using `<your_oidc_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration`. Defaults to `false`.
-`client_auth_method` (optional) specifies the method used for authenticating the client with the OpenID Connect provider.
- Supported values are:
-`basic` - HTTP Basic Authentication
-`jwt_bearer` - JWT based authentication (private key and client secret signing)
-`mtls` - Mutual TLS or X.509 certificate validation
-`client_options` are the OpenID Connect client-specific options. Specifically:
-`identifier` is the client identifier as configured in the OpenID Connect service provider.
-`secret` is the client secret as configured in the OpenID Connect service provider.
-`redirect_uri` is the GitLab URL to redirect the user to after successful login. For example, ``.
-`end_session_endpoint` (optional) is the URL to the endpoint that end the session (logout). Can be provided if auto-discovery disabled or unsuccessful.
- The following `client_options` are optional unless auto-discovery is disabled or unsuccessful:
-`authorization_endpoint` is the URL to the endpoint that authorizes the end user.
-`token_endpoint` is the URL to the endpoint that provides Access Token.
-`userinfo_endpoint` is the URL to the endpoint that provides the user information.
-`jwks_uri` is the URL to the endpoint where the Token signer publishes its keys.
1. Save the configuration file.
1. [Reconfigure](../ or [restart GitLab](../
for the changes to take effect if you installed GitLab via Omnibus or from source respectively.