2020-03-09 13:42:32 +05:30
import {
} from '~/monitoring/stores/utils';
const projectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test';
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
describe('normalizeMetric', () => {
{ args: [], expected: 'undefined_undefined' },
{ args: [undefined], expected: 'undefined_undefined' },
{ args: [{ id: 'something' }], expected: 'undefined_something' },
{ args: [{ id: 45 }], expected: 'undefined_45' },
{ args: [{ metric_id: 5 }], expected: '5_undefined' },
{ args: [{ metric_id: 'something' }], expected: 'something_undefined' },
args: [{ metric_id: 5, id: 'system_metrics_kubernetes_container_memory_total' }],
expected: '5_system_metrics_kubernetes_container_memory_total',
].forEach(({ args, expected }) => {
it(`normalizes metric to "${expected}" with args=${JSON.stringify(args)}`, () => {
2020-01-01 13:55:28 +05:30
expect(normalizeMetric(...args)).toEqual({ metric_id: expected, metricId: expected });
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
describe('uniqMetricsId', () => {
{ input: { id: 1 }, expected: 'undefined_1' },
{ input: { metric_id: 2 }, expected: '2_undefined' },
{ input: { metric_id: 2, id: 21 }, expected: '2_21' },
{ input: { metric_id: 22, id: 1 }, expected: '22_1' },
{ input: { metric_id: 'aaa', id: '_a' }, expected: 'aaa__a' },
].forEach(({ input, expected }) => {
it(`creates unique metric ID with ${JSON.stringify(input)}`, () => {
2020-03-09 13:42:32 +05:30
describe('parseEnvironmentsResponse', () => {
input: null,
output: [],
input: undefined,
output: [],
input: [],
output: [],
input: [
id: '1',
name: 'env-1',
output: [
id: 1,
name: 'env-1',
metrics_path: `${projectPath}/environments/1/metrics`,
input: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/Environment/12',
name: 'env-12',
output: [
id: 12,
name: 'env-12',
metrics_path: `${projectPath}/environments/12/metrics`,
].forEach(({ input, output }) => {
it(`parseEnvironmentsResponse returns ${JSON.stringify(output)} with input ${JSON.stringify(
)}`, () => {
expect(parseEnvironmentsResponse(input, projectPath)).toEqual(output);
describe('removeLeadingSlash', () => {
{ input: null, output: '' },
{ input: '', output: '' },
{ input: 'gitlab-org', output: 'gitlab-org' },
{ input: 'gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' },
{ input: '/gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' },
{ input: '////gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' },
].forEach(({ input, output }) => {
it(`removeLeadingSlash returns ${output} with input ${input}`, () => {