This guide walks through setting up a local [Codesandbox repository]( and integrating it with a local GitLab instance. Codesandbox
is used to power the Web IDE's [Live Preview feature](../../user/project/web_ide/ Having a local Codesandbox setup is useful for debugging upstream issues or
creating upstream contributions like [this one](
## Initial setup
Before using Codesandbox with your local GitLab instance, you must:
1. Enable HTTPS on your GDK. Codesandbox uses Service Workers that require `https`.
Follow the GDK [NGINX configuration instructions]( to enable HTTPS for GDK.
1. Clone the [`codesandbox-client` project](
locally. If you plan on contributing upstream, you might want to fork and clone first.
1. (Optional) Use correct `python` and `nodejs` versions. Otherwise, `yarn` may fail to
install or build some packages. If you're using `asdf` you can run the following commands:
asdf local nodejs 10.14.2
asdf local python 2.7.18
1. Run the following commands in the `codesandbox-client` project checkout:
# This might be necessary for the `prepublishOnly` job that is run later
yarn global add lerna
# Install packages
You can run `yarn build:clean` to clean up the build assets.
## Use local GitLab instance with local Codesandbox
GitLab integrates with two parts of Codesandbox:
- An NPM package called `smooshpack` (called `sandpack` in the `codesandbox-client` project).
This exposes an entrypoint for us to kick off Codesandbox's bundler.
- A server that houses Codesandbox assets for bundling and previewing. This is hosted
on a separate server for security.
Each time you want to run GitLab and Codesandbox together, you need to perform the
steps in the following sections.
### Use local `smooshpack` for GitLab
GitLab usually satisfies its `smooshpack` dependency with a remote module, but we want
to use a locally-built module. To build and use a local `smooshpack` module:
1. In the `codesandbox-client` project directory, run:
cd standalone-packages/sandpack
yarn link
# (Optional) you might want to start a development build