If applicable, any groups/projects that are happy to have this feature turned on early. Some organizations may wish to test big changes they are interested in with a small subset of users ahead of time for example.
- [ ] Confirm that QA tests pass with the feature flag enabled (if you're unsure how, contact the relevant [stable counterpart in the Quality department](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors))
- [ ] Enable on GitLab.com for individual groups/projects listed above and verify behaviour (`/chatops run feature set --project=gitlab-org/gitlab feature_name true`)
- In `#production` mention `@sre-oncall` and `@release-managers`. Once an SRE on call and Release Manager on call confirm, you can proceed with the rollout
- [ ] Enable on GitLab.com by running chatops command in `#production` (`/chatops run feature set feature_name true`)
- [ ] Cross post chatops Slack command to `#support_gitlab-com` ([more guidance when this is necessary in the dev docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/controls.html#where-to-run-commands)) and in your team channel
- [ ] After the flag removal is deployed, [clean up the feature flag](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/controls.html#cleaning-up) by running chatops command in `#production` channel