- [Install GitLab on OpenShift](openshift_and_gitlab/index.md)
- [Install GitLab on DC/OS](https://mesosphere.com/blog/gitlab-dcos/) via [GitLab-Mesosphere integration](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/09/16/announcing-gitlab-and-mesosphere/)
- [Install GitLab on Azure](azure/index.md)
- [Install GitLab on Google Cloud Platform](google_cloud_platform/index.md)
- [Install GitLab on Google Container Engine (GKE)](https://about.gitlab.com/2017/01/23/video-tutorial-idea-to-production-on-google-container-engine-gke/): video tutorial on
the full process of installing GitLab on Google Container Engine (GKE), pushing an application to GitLab, building the app with GitLab CI/CD, and deploying to production.
- [Install on AWS](https://about.gitlab.com/aws/)
- _Testing only!_ [DigitalOcean and Docker Machine](digitaloceandocker.md) -
- [Getting started with GitLab and DigitalOcean](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/04/27/getting-started-with-gitlab-and-digitalocean/): requirements, installation process, updates.
- [Demo: Cloud Native Development with GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/2017/04/18/cloud-native-demo/): video demonstration on how to install GitLab on Kubernetes, build a project, create Review Apps, store Docker images in Container Registry, deploy to production on Kubernetes, and monitor with Prometheus.