> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/30628) in GitLab 12.6, `.gitlab/auto-deploy-values.yaml` will be used by default for Helm upgrades.
to the desired environment. See [Limiting environment scopes of variables](../../ci/variables/README.md#limit-the-environment-scopes-of-environment-variables).
For example, the following configuration overrides the namespace used for
`production` deployments:
- template: Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml
namespace: production
When deploying to a custom namespace with Auto DevOps, the service account
provided with the cluster needs at least the `edit` role within the namespace.
- If the service account can create namespaces, then the namespace can be created on-demand.
- Otherwise, the namespace must exist prior to deployment.
## Using components of Auto DevOps
If you only require a subset of the features offered by Auto DevOps, you can include
individual Auto DevOps jobs into your own `.gitlab-ci.yml`. Each component job relies
on a stage that should be defined in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` that includes the template.
For example, to make use of [Auto Build](stages.md#auto-build), you can add the following to
your `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
- build
- template: Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml
See the [Auto DevOps template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml) for information on available jobs.
| `ADDITIONAL_HOSTS` | Fully qualified domain names specified as a comma-separated list that are added to the Ingress hosts. |
| `<ENVIRONMENT>_ADDITIONAL_HOSTS` | For a specific environment, the fully qualified domain names specified as a comma-separated list that are added to the Ingress hosts. This takes precedence over `ADDITIONAL_HOSTS`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_ATOMIC_RELEASE` | As of GitLab 13.0, Auto DevOps uses [`--atomic`](https://v2.helm.sh/docs/helm/#options-43) for Helm deployments by default. Set this variable to `false` to disable the use of `--atomic` |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_CNB_ENABLED` | When set to a non-empty value and no `Dockerfile` is present, Auto Build builds your application using Cloud Native Buildpacks instead of Herokuish. [More details](stages.md#auto-build-using-cloud-native-buildpacks-beta). |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_CNB_BUILDER` | The builder used when building with Cloud Native Buildpacks. The default builder is `heroku/buildpacks:18`. [More details](stages.md#auto-build-using-cloud-native-buildpacks-beta). |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS` | Extra arguments to be passed to the `docker build` command. Note that using quotes won't prevent word splitting. [More details](#passing-arguments-to-docker-build). |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_FORWARDED_CI_VARIABLES` | A [comma-separated list of CI variable names](#forward-ci-variables-to-the-build-environment) to be forwarded to the build environment (the buildpack builder or `docker build`). |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART` | Helm Chart used to deploy your apps. Defaults to the one [provided by GitLab](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/auto-deploy-app). |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY` | Helm Chart repository used to search for charts. Defaults to `https://charts.gitlab.io`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_NAME` | From GitLab 11.11, used to set the name of the Helm repository. Defaults to `gitlab`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_USERNAME` | From GitLab 11.11, used to set a username to connect to the Helm repository. Defaults to no credentials. Also set `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD` | From GitLab 11.11, used to set a password to connect to the Helm repository. Defaults to no credentials. Also set `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_USERNAME`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_ALLOW_TO_FORCE_DEPLOY_V<N>` | From [auto-deploy-image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image) v1.0.0, if this variable is present, a new major version of chart is forcibly deployed. [More details](upgrading_chart.md#ignore-warning-and-continue-deploying) |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_MODSECURITY_SEC_RULE_ENGINE` | From GitLab 12.5, used in combination with [ModSecurity feature flag](../../user/clusters/applications.md#web-application-firewall-modsecurity) to toggle [ModSecurity's `SecRuleEngine`](https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Reference-Manual-(v2.x)#SecRuleEngine) behavior. Defaults to `DetectionOnly`. |
| `BUILDPACK_URL` | Buildpack's full URL. Can point to either [a Git repository URL or a tarball URL](#custom-buildpacks). |
| `CANARY_ENABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to define a [deploy policy for canary environments](#deploy-policy-for-canary-environments-premium). |
| `CANARY_PRODUCTION_REPLICAS` | Number of canary replicas to deploy for [Canary Deployments](../../user/project/canary_deployments.md) in the production environment. Takes precedence over `CANARY_REPLICAS`. Defaults to 1. |
| `CANARY_REPLICAS` | Number of canary replicas to deploy for [Canary Deployments](../../user/project/canary_deployments.md). Defaults to 1. |
| `HELM_RELEASE_NAME` | From GitLab 12.1, allows the `helm` release name to be overridden. Can be used to assign unique release names when deploying multiple projects to a single namespace. |
| `HELM_UPGRADE_VALUES_FILE` | From GitLab 12.6, allows the `helm upgrade` values file to be overridden. Defaults to `.gitlab/auto-deploy-values.yaml`. |
| `HELM_UPGRADE_EXTRA_ARGS` | From GitLab 11.11, allows extra arguments in `helm` commands when deploying the application. Note that using quotes won't prevent word splitting. |
| `INCREMENTAL_ROLLOUT_MODE` | From GitLab 11.4, if present, can be used to enable an [incremental rollout](#incremental-rollout-to-production-premium) of your application for the production environment. Set to `manual` for manual deployment jobs or `timed` for automatic rollout deployments with a 5 minute delay each one. |
| `K8S_SECRET_*` | From GitLab 11.7, any variable prefixed with [`K8S_SECRET_`](#application-secret-variables) will be made available by Auto DevOps as environment variables to the deployed application. |
| `KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN` | From GitLab 11.8, can be used to set a domain per cluster. See [cluster domains](../../user/project/clusters/index.md#base-domain) for more information. |
| `PRODUCTION_REPLICAS` | Number of replicas to deploy in the production environment. Takes precedence over `REPLICAS` and defaults to 1. For zero downtime upgrades, set to 2 or greater. |
| `REPLICAS` | Number of replicas to deploy. Defaults to 1. |
| `ROLLOUT_RESOURCE_TYPE` | From GitLab 11.9, allows specification of the resource type being deployed when using a custom Helm chart. Default value is `deployment`. |
| `ROLLOUT_STATUS_DISABLED` | From GitLab 12.0, used to disable rollout status check because it does not support all resource types, for example, `cronjob`. |
| `STAGING_ENABLED` | From GitLab 10.8, used to define a [deploy policy for staging and production environments](#deploy-policy-for-staging-and-production-environments). |
| `DB_INITIALIZE` | From GitLab 11.4, used to specify the command to run to initialize the application's PostgreSQL database. Runs inside the application pod. |
| `DB_MIGRATE` | From GitLab 11.4, used to specify the command to run to migrate the application's PostgreSQL database. Runs inside the application pod. |
| `POSTGRES_ENABLED` | Whether PostgreSQL is enabled. Defaults to `true`. Set to `false` to disable the automatic deployment of PostgreSQL. |
| `POSTGRES_USER` | The PostgreSQL user. Defaults to `user`. Set it to use a custom username. |
| `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` | The PostgreSQL password. Defaults to `testing-password`. Set it to use a custom password. |
| `POSTGRES_DB` | The PostgreSQL database name. Defaults to the value of [`$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`](../../ci/variables/README.md#predefined-environment-variables). Set it to use a custom database name. |
| `POSTGRES_VERSION` | Tag for the [`postgres` Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres) to use. Defaults to `9.6.16` for tests and deployments as of GitLab 13.0 (previously `9.6.2`). If `AUTO_DEVOPS_POSTGRES_CHANNEL` is set to `1`, deployments will use the default version `9.6.2`. |
| `CODE_QUALITY_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `codequality` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `CONTAINER_SCANNING_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `sast:container` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `DAST_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `dast` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `dependency_scanning` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `LICENSE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `license_management` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `REVIEW_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `review` and the manual `review:stop` job. If the variable is present, these jobs won't be created. |
| `SAST_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `sast` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |
| `TEST_DISABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to disable the `test` job. If the variable is present, the job won't be created. |