2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'yaml'
require 'optparse'
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require 'pathname'
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require_relative 'api/default_options'
# This script returns the desired feature flag state as a comma-separated string for the feature flags in the specified files.
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# Each desired feature flag state is specified as 'feature-flag=state'. This allows us to run package-and-qa with the
# feature flag set to the desired state.
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2022-07-29 14:14:30 +02:00
# For example, if the specified files included `config/feature_flags/development/ci_awesome_feature.yml` and the desired
# state as specified by the second argument was enabled, the value returned would be `ci_awesome_feature=enabled`
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class GetFeatureFlagsFromFiles
def initialize(options)
@files = options.delete(:files)
@state = options.delete(:state)
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abort("ERROR: Please specify the directory containing MR diffs.") if @files.to_s.empty?
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# Gets feature flags from definition files or diffs of deleted defition files
# @return [String] a comma-separated list of feature flags and their desired state
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def extracted_flags
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flags_list = diffs_dir.glob('**/*').each_with_object([]) do |file_path, flags|
ff_yaml = ff_yaml_for_file(file_path)
next if ff_yaml.nil?
break [] if ff_yaml.empty?
flags << ff_yaml['name']
flags_list = flags_list.map { |flag| "#{flag}=#{state}" } unless state.to_s.empty?
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# Loads the YAML feature flag definition based on a diff of the definition file. The definition is loaded from the
# definition file itself, or from a diff of the deleted definition file.
# @param [Pathname] path the path to the diff
# @return [Hash] a hash containing the YAML data for the feature flag definition
def ff_yaml_for_file(path)
return unless File.expand_path(path).to_s =~ %r{/feature_flags/(development|ops)/.*\.yml}
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2022-07-16 19:58:13 +02:00
if path.to_s.end_with?('yml.deleted.diff')
# Ignore deleted feature flag definitions if we want to enable/disable existing flags.
return if state != 'deleted'
# If we want deleted definition files but find one that wasn't deleted, we return immediately to
# because non-deleted flags are tested in separate jobs from deleted flags, so we don't need to run
# a job with just deleted flags.
return [] if state == 'deleted'
yaml_from_file(path, diffs_dir)
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attr_reader :files, :state
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# The absolute path to the directory of diffs
# @return [String]
def diffs_dir
@diffs_dir ||= Pathname.new(files).expand_path
# Loads the YAML feature flag definition from a file corresponding to a diff of the definition file.
# @param [Pathname] file_path the path to the diff
# @param [Pathname] diffs_dir the path to the diffs directory
# @return [Hash] a hash containing the YAML data from the feature flag definition file corresponding to the diff
def yaml_from_file(file_path, diffs_dir)
real_file_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, file_path.to_s.delete_prefix(diffs_dir.to_s)).delete_suffix('.diff')
# Loads the YAML feature flag definition from a diff of the deleted feature flag definition file.
# @param [Pathname] file_path the path of the diff
# @return [Hash] a hash containing the YAML data for the feature flag definition from the diff
def yaml_from_deleted_diff(file_path)
cleaned_diff = File.read(file_path).gsub(/^[^a-z]+/, '')
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if $0 == __FILE__
options = API::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup
OptionParser.new do |opts|
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opts.on("-f", "--files FILES", String, "A directory containing diffs including feature flag definition change diffs") do |value|
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options[:files] = value
opts.on("-s", "--state STATE", String,
"The desired state of the feature flags (enabled or disabled). If not specified the output will only list the feature flags."
) do |value|
options[:state] = value
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do
puts opts
puts GetFeatureFlagsFromFiles.new(options).extracted_flags