You can transfer an existing project into a group you own from the project settings page. The option to transfer a project is only available if you are the Owner of the project.
First scroll down to the 'Dangerous settings' and click 'Show them to me'.
Now you can pick any of the groups you manage as the new namespace for the group.

GitLab administrators can use the admin interface to move any project to any namespace if needed.
## Adding users to a group
One of the benefits of putting multiple projects in one group is that you can give a user to access to all projects in the group with one action.
Suppose we have a group with two projects.

On the 'Group Members' page we can now add a new user Barry to the group.

Now because Barry is a 'Developer' member of the 'Open Source' group, he automatically gets 'Developer' access to all projects in the 'Open Source' group.

If necessary, you can increase the access level of an individual user for a specific project, by adding them as a Member to the project.