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type: reference, howto
# Web API Fuzz Testing **(ULTIMATE)**
You can add web API fuzzing to your [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/
The [OpenAPI Specification]( (formerly the Swagger Specification) is an
API description format for REST APIs. This section shows you how to configure API fuzzing by using
an OpenAPI specification to provide information about the target API to test. OpenAPI specifications
are provided as a filesystem resource or URL.
Follow these steps to configure API fuzzing in GitLab with an OpenAPI specification:
1. To use API fuzzing, you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
that's provided as part of your GitLab installation. To do so, add the following to your
`.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
1. Add the configuration file [`gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`]( to your repository's root as `.gitlab-api-fuzzing.yml`.
1. The [configuration file](#configuration-files) has several testing profiles defined with varying
amounts of fuzzing. We recommend that you start with the `Quick-10` profile. Testing with this
profile completes quickly, allowing for easier configuration validation.
Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
substituting `Quick-10` for the profile you choose:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
1. Provide the location of the OpenAPI v2 specification. You can provide the specification as a file
or URL. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_OPENAPI` variable:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
FUZZAPI_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
1. The target API instance's base URL is also required. Provide it by using the `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`
variable or an `environment_url.txt` file.
Adding the URL in an `environment_url.txt` file at your project's root is great for testing in
dynamic environments. To run API fuzzing against an app dynamically created during a GitLab CI/CD
pipeline, have the app persist its domain in an `environment_url.txt` file. API fuzzing
automatically parses that file to find its scan target. You can see an
[example of this in our Auto DevOps CI YAML](
Here's an example of using `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
FUZZAPI_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
This is a minimal configuration for API Fuzzing. From here you can:
- [Run your first scan](#running-your-first-scan).
- [Add authentication](#authentication).
- Learn how to [handle false positives](#handling-false-positives).
DANGER: **Danger:**
**NEVER** run fuzz testing against a production server. Not only can it perform *any* function that
the API can, it may also trigger bugs in the API. This includes actions like modifying and deleting
data. Only run fuzzing against a test server.
### HTTP Archive (HAR)
The [HTTP Archive format (HAR)](
is an archive file format for logging HTTP transactions. When used with GitLab's API fuzzer, HAR
must contain records of calling the web API to test. The API fuzzer extracts all the requests and
uses them to perform testing.
You can use various tools to generate HAR files:
- [Fiddler]( Web debugging proxy
- [Insomnia Core]( API client
HAR files may contain sensitive information such as authentication tokens, API keys, and session
cookies. We recommend that you review the HAR file contents before adding them to a repository.
Follow these steps to configure API fuzzing to use a HAR file that provides information about the
target API to test:
1. To use API fuzzing, you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
that's provided as part of your GitLab installation. To do so, add the following to your
`.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
1. Add the configuration file [`gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`]( to your repository's root as `.gitlab-api-fuzzing.yml`.
1. The [configuration file](#configuration-files) has several testing profiles defined with varying
amounts of fuzzing. We recommend that you start with the `Quick-10` profile. Testing with this
profile completes quickly, allowing for easier configuration validation.
Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
substituting `Quick-10` for the profile you choose:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
1. Add the `FUZZAPI_HAR` variable and set it to the HAR file's location:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
FUZZAPI_HAR: test-api-recording.har
1. The target API instance's base URL is also required. Provide it by using the `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`
variable or an `environment_url.txt` file.
Adding the URL in an `environment_url.txt` file at your project's root is great for testing in
dynamic environments. To run API fuzzing against an app dynamically created during a GitLab CI/CD
pipeline, have the app persist its domain in an `environment_url.txt` file. API fuzzing
automatically parses that file to find its scan target. You can see an
[example of this in our Auto DevOps CI YAML](
Here's an example of using `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`:
- template: API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml
FUZZAPI_HAR: test-api-recording.har
FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
This is a minimal configuration for API Fuzzing. From here you can:
- [Run your first scan](#running-your-first-scan).
- [Add authentication](#authentication).
- Learn how to [handle false positives](#handling-false-positives).
DANGER: **Danger:**
**NEVER** run fuzz testing against a production server. Not only can it perform *any* function that
the API can, it may also trigger bugs in the API. This includes actions like modifying and deleting
data. Only run fuzzing against a test server.
### Authentication
Authentication is handled by providing the authentication token as a header or cookie. You can
provide a script that performs an authentication flow or calculates the token.
| `FUZZAPI_D_WORKER_PORTS` |Custom worker docker port options |
| `FUZZAPI_D_NETWORK` |Name of docker network, defaults to "testing-net"|
| `FUZZAPI_D_PRE_SCRIPT` |Pre script runs after docker login and docker network create, but before starting the scanning image container.|
| `FUZZAPI_D_POST_SCRIPT` |Post script runs after scanning image container is started. This is the place to start your target(s) and kick off scanning when using an advanced configuration.| -->
### Overrides
API Fuzzing provides a method to add or override headers and cookies for all outbound HTTP requests
made. You can use this to inject semver headers, authentication, and so on. The
[authentication section](#authentication) includes examples of using overrides for that purpose.
Overrides uses a JSON document to define the headers and cookies:
You can provide this JSON document as a file or environment variable. You may also provide a command
to generate the JSON document. The command can run at intervals to support values that expire.
#### Using a file
To provide the overrides JSON as a file, the `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_FILE` environment variable is set. The path is relative to the job current working directory.