We use [Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide][airbnb-style-guide] and it's accompanying linter to manage most of our JavaScript style guidelines.
In addition to the style guidelines set by Airbnb, we also have a few specific rules listed below.
> **Tip:**
You can run eslint locally by running `yarn eslint`
## Arrays
- [1.1](#avoid-foreach) **Avoid ForEach when mutating data** Use `map`, `reduce` or `filter` instead of `forEach` when mutating data. This will minimize mutations in functions ([which is aligned with Airbnb's style guide][airbnb-minimize-mutations])
- [3.1](#avoid-constructor-side-effects) **Avoid side effects in constructors** Avoid making some operations in the `constructor`, such as asynchronous calls, API requests and DOM manipulations. Prefer moving them into separate functions. This will make tests easier to write and code easier to maintain.
- [3.2](#avoid-classes-to-handle-dom-events) **Avoid classes to handle DOM events** If the only purpose of the class is to bind a DOM event and handle the callback, prefer using a function.
- [3.3](#element-container) **Pass element container to constructor** When your class manipulates the DOM, receive the element container as a parameter.
- [5.1](#use-js-prefix) **Use js prefix** If a CSS class is only being used in JavaScript as a reference to the element, prefix the class name with `js-`
- [6.2](#use-relative-paths) **Use relative paths for distant modules** If the module you are importing is two or more levels up, use a relative path instead of an absolute path.
- [6.3](#global-namespace) **Do not add to global namespace**
- [6.4](#domcontentloaded) **Do not use DOMContentLoaded in non-page modules** Imported modules should act the same each time they are loaded. `DOMContentLoaded` events are only allowed on modules loaded in the `/pages/*` directory because those are loaded dynamically with webpack.
## Security
- [7.1](#avoid-xss) **Avoid XSS** Do not use `innerHTML`, `append()` or `html()` to set content. It opens up too many vulnerabilities.
- [8.1](#disable-eslint-file) **Disabling ESLint in new files** Do not disable ESLint when creating new files. Existing files may have existing rules disabled due to legacy compatibility reasons but they are in the process of being refactored.
- [8.2](#disable-eslint-rule) **Disabling ESLint rule** Do not disable specific ESLint rules. Due to technical debt, you may disable the following rules only if you are invoking/instantiating existing code modules
- [no-new][no-new]
- [class-method-use-this][class-method-use-this]
> Note: Disable these rules on a per line basis. This makes it easier to refactor in the future. E.g. use `eslint-disable-next-line` or `eslint-disable-line`