2018-11-20 20:47:30 +05:30
require 'sidekiq/web'
2019-07-31 17:26:46 +00:00
def enable_reliable_fetch?
return true unless Feature :: FlipperFeature . table_exists?
Feature . enabled? ( :gitlab_sidekiq_reliable_fetcher , default_enabled : true )
def enable_semi_reliable_fetch_mode?
return true unless Feature :: FlipperFeature . table_exists?
Feature . enabled? ( :gitlab_sidekiq_enable_semi_reliable_fetcher , default_enabled : true )
2018-11-20 20:47:30 +05:30
# Disable the Sidekiq Rack session since GitLab already has its own session store.
# CSRF protection still works (https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/commit/315504e766c4fd88a29b7772169060afc4c40329).
Sidekiq :: Web . set :sessions , false
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
# Custom Queues configuration
queues_config_hash = Gitlab :: Redis :: Queues . params
queues_config_hash [ :namespace ] = Gitlab :: Redis :: Queues :: SIDEKIQ_NAMESPACE
2016-09-13 17:45:13 +05:30
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
# Default is to retry 25 times with exponential backoff. That's too much.
Sidekiq . default_worker_options = { retry : 3 }
2019-07-07 11:18:12 +05:30
if Rails . env . development?
Sidekiq . default_worker_options [ :backtrace ] = true
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
enable_json_logs = Gitlab . config . sidekiq . log_format == 'json'
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
enable_sidekiq_memory_killer = ENV [ 'SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_MAX_RSS' ] . to_i . nonzero?
use_sidekiq_daemon_memory_killer = ENV [ " SIDEKIQ_DAEMON_MEMORY_KILLER " ] . to_i . nonzero?
use_sidekiq_legacy_memory_killer = ! use_sidekiq_daemon_memory_killer
2020-01-01 13:55:28 +05:30
use_request_store = ENV . fetch ( 'SIDEKIQ_REQUEST_STORE' , 1 ) . to_i . nonzero?
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Sidekiq . configure_server do | config |
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
config . redis = queues_config_hash
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
2020-01-01 13:55:28 +05:30
config . server_middleware ( & Gitlab :: SidekiqMiddleware . server_configurator ( {
metrics : Settings . monitoring . sidekiq_exporter ,
arguments_logger : ENV [ 'SIDEKIQ_LOG_ARGUMENTS' ] && ! enable_json_logs ,
memory_killer : enable_sidekiq_memory_killer && use_sidekiq_legacy_memory_killer ,
request_store : use_request_store
} ) )
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
if enable_json_logs
Sidekiq . logger . formatter = Gitlab :: SidekiqLogging :: JSONFormatter . new
config . options [ :job_logger ] = Gitlab :: SidekiqLogging :: StructuredLogger
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
# Remove the default-provided handler
config . error_handlers . reject! { | handler | handler . is_a? ( Sidekiq :: ExceptionHandler :: Logger ) }
config . error_handlers << Gitlab :: SidekiqLogging :: ExceptionHandler . new
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
2020-01-01 13:55:28 +05:30
config . client_middleware ( & Gitlab :: SidekiqMiddleware . client_configurator )
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
config . on :startup do
# Clear any connections that might have been obtained before starting
# Sidekiq (e.g. in an initializer).
ActiveRecord :: Base . clear_all_connections!
2019-12-04 20:38:33 +05:30
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
# Start monitor to track running jobs. By default, cancel job is not enabled
# To cancel job, it requires `SIDEKIQ_MONITOR_WORKER=1` to enable notification channel
Gitlab :: SidekiqDaemon :: Monitor . instance . start
Gitlab :: SidekiqDaemon :: MemoryKiller . instance . start if enable_sidekiq_memory_killer && use_sidekiq_daemon_memory_killer
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
2015-12-23 02:04:40 +05:30
2019-07-31 17:26:46 +00:00
if enable_reliable_fetch?
config . options [ :semi_reliable_fetch ] = enable_semi_reliable_fetch_mode?
2019-02-15 15:39:39 +05:30
Sidekiq :: ReliableFetch . setup_reliable_fetch! ( config )
2018-12-05 23:21:45 +05:30
2016-01-14 18:37:52 +05:30
# Sidekiq-cron: load recurring jobs from gitlab.yml
# UGLY Hack to get nested hash from settingslogic
cron_jobs = JSON . parse ( Gitlab . config . cron_jobs . to_json )
# UGLY hack: Settingslogic doesn't allow 'class' key
2016-08-24 12:49:21 +05:30
cron_jobs_required_keys = %w( job_class cron )
cron_jobs . each do | k , v |
if cron_jobs [ k ] && cron_jobs_required_keys . all? { | s | cron_jobs [ k ] . key? ( s ) }
cron_jobs [ k ] [ 'class' ] = cron_jobs [ k ] . delete ( 'job_class' )
cron_jobs . delete ( k )
2019-09-30 21:07:59 +05:30
Rails . logger . error ( " Invalid cron_jobs config key: ' #{ k } '. Check your gitlab config file. " ) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/RailsLogger
2016-08-24 12:49:21 +05:30
2016-01-14 18:37:52 +05:30
Sidekiq :: Cron :: Job . load_from_hash! cron_jobs
2015-12-23 02:04:40 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
Gitlab :: SidekiqVersioning . install!
2018-12-05 23:21:45 +05:30
db_config = Gitlab :: Database . config ||
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Rails . application . config . database_configuration [ Rails . env ]
2018-12-05 23:21:45 +05:30
db_config [ 'pool' ] = Sidekiq . options [ :concurrency ]
ActiveRecord :: Base . establish_connection ( db_config )
2019-09-30 21:07:59 +05:30
Rails . logger . debug ( " Connection Pool size for Sidekiq Server is now: #{ ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . pool . instance_variable_get ( '@size' ) } " ) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/RailsLogger
Gitlab . ee do
Gitlab :: Mirror . configure_cron_job!
Gitlab :: Geo . configure_cron_jobs!
if Gitlab :: Geo . geo_database_configured?
Rails . configuration . geo_database [ 'pool' ] = Sidekiq . options [ :concurrency ]
Geo :: TrackingBase . establish_connection ( Rails . configuration . geo_database )
Rails . logger . debug ( " Connection Pool size for Sidekiq Server is now: #{ Geo :: TrackingBase . connection_pool . size } (Geo tracking database) " ) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/RailsLogger
2016-06-22 15:30:34 +05:30
# Avoid autoload issue such as 'Mail::Parsers::AddressStruct'
# https://github.com/mikel/mail/issues/912#issuecomment-214850355
Mail . eager_autoload!
2019-07-07 11:18:12 +05:30
# Ensure the whole process group is terminated if possible
Gitlab :: SidekiqSignals . install! ( Sidekiq :: CLI :: SIGNAL_HANDLERS )
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Sidekiq . configure_client do | config |
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
config . redis = queues_config_hash
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2020-01-01 13:55:28 +05:30
config . client_middleware ( & Gitlab :: SidekiqMiddleware . client_configurator )
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30