2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
Doorkeeper . configure do
# Change the ORM that doorkeeper will use.
# Currently supported options are :active_record, :mongoid2, :mongoid3, :mongo_mapper
orm :active_record
# This block will be called to check whether the resource owner is authenticated or not.
resource_owner_authenticator do
# Put your resource owner authentication logic here.
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
if current_user
# Ensure user is redirected to redirect_uri after login
session [ :user_return_to ] = request . fullpath
redirect_to ( new_user_session_url )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
resource_owner_from_credentials do | routes |
2016-09-13 17:45:13 +05:30
user = Gitlab :: Auth . find_with_user_password ( params [ :username ] , params [ :password ] )
user unless user . try ( :two_factor_enabled? )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# If you want to restrict access to the web interface for adding oauth authorized applications, you need to declare the block below.
# admin_authenticator do
# # Put your admin authentication logic here.
# # Example implementation:
# Admin.find_by_id(session[:admin_id]) || redirect_to(new_admin_session_url)
# end
# Authorization Code expiration time (default 10 minutes).
# authorization_code_expires_in 10.minutes
# Access token expiration time (default 2 hours).
# If you want to disable expiration, set this to nil.
access_token_expires_in nil
# Reuse access token for the same resource owner within an application (disabled by default)
# Rationale: https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/issues/383
2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# Issue access tokens with refresh token (disabled by default)
# Forces the usage of the HTTPS protocol in non-native redirect uris (enabled
# by default in non-development environments). OAuth2 delegates security in
# communication to the HTTPS protocol so it is wise to keep this enabled.
force_ssl_in_redirect_uri false
2018-11-29 20:51:05 +05:30
# Specify what redirect URI's you want to block during Application creation.
# Any redirect URI is whitelisted by default.
# You can use this option in order to forbid URI's with 'javascript' scheme
# for example.
forbid_redirect_uri { | uri | %w[ data vbscript javascript ] . include? ( uri . scheme . to_s . downcase ) }
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# Provide support for an owner to be assigned to each registered application (disabled by default)
# Optional parameter confirmation: true (default false) if you want to enforce ownership of
# a registered application
# Note: you must also run the rails g doorkeeper:application_owner generator to provide the necessary support
enable_application_owner confirmation : false
# Define access token scopes for your provider
# For more information go to
# https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/wiki/Using-Scopes
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
default_scopes ( * Gitlab :: Auth :: DEFAULT_SCOPES )
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
optional_scopes ( * Gitlab :: Auth . optional_scopes )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# Change the way client credentials are retrieved from the request object.
# By default it retrieves first from the `HTTP_AUTHORIZATION` header, then
# falls back to the `:client_id` and `:client_secret` params from the `params` object.
# Check out the wiki for more information on customization
# client_credentials :from_basic, :from_params
# Change the way access token is authenticated from the request object.
# By default it retrieves first from the `HTTP_AUTHORIZATION` header, then
# falls back to the `:access_token` or `:bearer_token` params from the `params` object.
# Check out the wiki for more information on customization
access_token_methods :from_access_token_param , :from_bearer_authorization , :from_bearer_param
# Change the native redirect uri for client apps
# When clients register with the following redirect uri, they won't be redirected to any server and the authorization code will be displayed within the provider
# The value can be any string. Use nil to disable this feature. When disabled, clients must provide a valid URL
# (Similar behaviour: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2InstalledApp#choosingredirecturi)
2016-06-16 23:09:34 +05:30
native_redirect_uri nil # 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# Specify what grant flows are enabled in array of Strings. The valid
# strings and the flows they enable are:
# "authorization_code" => Authorization Code Grant Flow
# "implicit" => Implicit Grant Flow
# "password" => Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Flow
# "client_credentials" => Client Credentials Grant Flow
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
grant_flows %w( authorization_code implicit password client_credentials )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# Under some circumstances you might want to have applications auto-approved,
# so that the user skips the authorization step.
# For example if dealing with trusted a application.
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
skip_authorization do | resource_owner , client |
client . application . trusted?
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
# WWW-Authenticate Realm (default "Doorkeeper").
# realm "Doorkeeper"
# Allow dynamic query parameters (disabled by default)
# Some applications require dynamic query parameters on their request_uri
# set to true if you want this to be allowed
# wildcard_redirect_uri false
2018-03-27 19:54:05 +05:30
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
base_controller '::Gitlab::BaseDoorkeeperController'
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
# Monkey patch to avoid creating new applications if the scope of the
# app created does not match the complete list of scopes of the configured app.
# It also prevents the OAuth authorize application window to appear every time.
# Remove after we upgrade the doorkeeper gem from version 4.3.2
if Doorkeeper . gem_version > Gem :: Version . new ( '4.3.2' )
raise " Doorkeeper was upgraded, please remove the monkey patch in #{ __FILE__ } "
module Doorkeeper
module AccessTokenMixin
module ClassMethods
def matching_token_for ( application , resource_owner_or_id , scopes )
resource_owner_id =
if resource_owner_or_id . respond_to? ( :to_key )
resource_owner_or_id . id
tokens = authorized_tokens_for ( application . try ( :id ) , resource_owner_id )
tokens . detect do | token |
scopes_match? ( token . scopes , scopes , application . try ( :scopes ) )
def scopes_match? ( token_scopes , param_scopes , app_scopes )
return true if token_scopes . empty? && param_scopes . empty?
( token_scopes . sort == param_scopes . sort ) &&
Doorkeeper :: OAuth :: Helpers :: ScopeChecker . valid? (
param_scopes . to_s ,
Doorkeeper . configuration . scopes ,
app_scopes )
def authorized_tokens_for ( application_id , resource_owner_id )
ordered_by ( :created_at , :desc )
. where ( application_id : application_id ,
resource_owner_id : resource_owner_id ,
revoked_at : nil )
def last_authorized_token_for ( application_id , resource_owner_id )
authorized_tokens_for ( application_id , resource_owner_id ) . first