2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
require 'spec_helper'
describe GroupsHelper do
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
include ApplicationHelper
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
describe 'group_icon' do
2015-09-11 14:41:01 +05:30
avatar_file_path = File . join ( Rails . root , 'spec' , 'fixtures' , 'banana_sample.gif' )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
2016-09-13 17:45:13 +05:30
it 'returns an url for the avatar' do
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
group = create ( :group )
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
group . avatar = fixture_file_upload ( avatar_file_path )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
group . save!
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
expect ( helper . group_icon ( group ) . to_s )
. to eq " <img data-src= \" #{ group . avatar . url } \" class= \" lazy \" src= \" #{ LazyImageTagHelper . placeholder_image } \" /> "
describe 'group_icon_url' do
avatar_file_path = File . join ( Rails . root , 'spec' , 'fixtures' , 'banana_sample.gif' )
it 'returns an url for the avatar' do
group = create ( :group )
group . avatar = fixture_file_upload ( avatar_file_path )
group . save!
expect ( group_icon_url ( group . path ) . to_s )
. to match ( group . avatar . url )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
2016-09-13 17:45:13 +05:30
it 'gives default avatar_icon when no avatar is present' do
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
group = create ( :group )
group . save!
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
expect ( group_icon_url ( group . path ) ) . to match_asset_path ( 'group_avatar.png' )
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
2016-09-29 09:46:39 +05:30
describe 'group_lfs_status' do
let ( :group ) { create ( :group ) }
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
let! ( :project ) { create ( :project , namespace_id : group . id ) }
2016-09-29 09:46:39 +05:30
before do
allow ( Gitlab . config . lfs ) . to receive ( :enabled ) . and_return ( true )
context 'only one project in group' do
before do
group . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , true )
it 'returns all projects as enabled' do
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Enabled for all projects' )
it 'returns all projects as disabled' do
project . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , false )
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Enabled for 0 out of 1 project' )
context 'more than one project in group' do
before do
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
create ( :project , namespace_id : group . id )
2016-09-29 09:46:39 +05:30
context 'LFS enabled in group' do
before do
group . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , true )
it 'returns both projects as enabled' do
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Enabled for all projects' )
it 'returns only one as enabled' do
project . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , false )
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Enabled for 1 out of 2 projects' )
context 'LFS disabled in group' do
before do
group . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , false )
it 'returns both projects as disabled' do
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Disabled for all projects' )
it 'returns only one as disabled' do
project . update_attribute ( :lfs_enabled , true )
expect ( group_lfs_status ( group ) ) . to include ( 'Disabled for 1 out of 2 projects' )
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
describe 'group_title' , :nested_groups do
let ( :group ) { create ( :group ) }
let ( :nested_group ) { create ( :group , parent : group ) }
let ( :deep_nested_group ) { create ( :group , parent : nested_group ) }
let! ( :very_deep_nested_group ) { create ( :group , parent : deep_nested_group ) }
it 'outputs the groups in the correct order' do
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
expect ( helper . group_title ( very_deep_nested_group ) )
. to match ( %r{ <li style="text-indent: 16px;"><a.*> #{ deep_nested_group . name } .*</li>.*<a.*> #{ very_deep_nested_group . name } </a> }m )
# rubocop:disable Layout/SpaceBeforeComma
describe '#share_with_group_lock_help_text' , :nested_groups do
let! ( :root_group ) { create ( :group ) }
let! ( :subgroup ) { create ( :group , parent : root_group ) }
let! ( :sub_subgroup ) { create ( :group , parent : subgroup ) }
let ( :root_owner ) { create ( :user ) }
let ( :sub_owner ) { create ( :user ) }
let ( :sub_sub_owner ) { create ( :user ) }
let ( :possible_help_texts ) do
default_help : " This setting will be applied to all subgroups unless overridden by a group owner " ,
ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override : %r{ This setting is applied on <a .+>.+</a> \ . You can override the setting or .+ } ,
ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner : / This setting is applied on .+ \ . To share projects in this group with another group, ask the owner to override the setting or remove the share with group lock from .+ / ,
ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden : / This setting is applied on .+ and has been overridden on this subgroup /
let ( :possible_linked_ancestors ) do
root_group : root_group ,
subgroup : subgroup
let ( :users ) do
root_owner : root_owner ,
sub_owner : sub_owner ,
sub_sub_owner : sub_sub_owner
subject { helper . share_with_group_lock_help_text ( sub_subgroup ) }
where ( :root_share_with_group_locked , :subgroup_share_with_group_locked , :sub_subgroup_share_with_group_locked , :current_user , :help_text , :linked_ancestor ) do
[ false , false , false , :root_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , false , false , :sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , false , false , :sub_sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , false , true , :root_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , false , true , :sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , false , true , :sub_sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ false , true , false , :root_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :subgroup ] ,
[ false , true , false , :sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :subgroup ] ,
[ false , true , false , :sub_sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :subgroup ] ,
[ false , true , true , :root_owner , :ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override , :subgroup ] ,
[ false , true , true , :sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override , :subgroup ] ,
[ false , true , true , :sub_sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner , :subgroup ] ,
[ true , false , false , :root_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , false , false , :sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , false , false , :sub_sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , false , true , :root_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , false , true , :sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , false , true , :sub_sub_owner , :default_help , nil ] ,
[ true , true , false , :root_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :root_group ] ,
[ true , true , false , :sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :root_group ] ,
[ true , true , false , :sub_sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden , :root_group ] ,
[ true , true , true , :root_owner , :ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override , :root_group ] ,
[ true , true , true , :sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner , :root_group ] ,
[ true , true , true , :sub_sub_owner , :ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner , :root_group ]
with_them do
before do
root_group . add_owner ( root_owner )
subgroup . add_owner ( sub_owner )
sub_subgroup . add_owner ( sub_sub_owner )
root_group . update_column ( :share_with_group_lock , true ) if root_share_with_group_locked
subgroup . update_column ( :share_with_group_lock , true ) if subgroup_share_with_group_locked
sub_subgroup . update_column ( :share_with_group_lock , true ) if sub_subgroup_share_with_group_locked
allow ( helper ) . to receive ( :current_user ) . and_return ( users [ current_user ] )
allow ( helper ) . to receive ( :can? )
. with ( users [ current_user ] , :change_share_with_group_lock , subgroup )
. and_return ( Ability . allowed? ( users [ current_user ] , :change_share_with_group_lock , subgroup ) )
ancestor = possible_linked_ancestors [ linked_ancestor ]
if ancestor
allow ( helper ) . to receive ( :can? )
. with ( users [ current_user ] , :read_group , ancestor )
. and_return ( Ability . allowed? ( users [ current_user ] , :read_group , ancestor ) )
allow ( helper ) . to receive ( :can? )
. with ( users [ current_user ] , :admin_group , ancestor )
. and_return ( Ability . allowed? ( users [ current_user ] , :admin_group , ancestor ) )
it 'has the correct help text with correct ancestor links' do
expect ( subject ) . to match ( possible_help_texts [ help_text ] )
expect ( subject ) . to match ( possible_linked_ancestors [ linked_ancestor ] . name ) unless help_text == :default_help
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00