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The DeclarativePolicy framework is designed to assist in performance of policy checks, and to enable ease of extension for EE. The DSL code in `app/policies` is what `Ability.allowed?` uses to check whether a particular action is allowed on a subject.
The policy used is based on the subject's class name - so `Ability.allowed?(user, :some_ability, project)` creates a `ProjectPolicy` and check permissions on that.
Permissions are broken into two parts: `conditions` and `rules`. Conditions are boolean expressions that can access the database and the environment, while rules are statically configured combinations of expressions and other rules that enable or prevent certain abilities. For an ability to be allowed, it must be enabled by at least one rule, and not prevented by any.
Conditions are defined by the `condition` method, and are given a name and a block. The block is executed in the context of the policy object - so it can access `@user` and `@subject`, as well as call any methods defined on the policy. Note that `@user` may be nil (in the anonymous case), but `@subject` is guaranteed to be a real instance of the subject class.
When you define a condition, a predicate method is defined on the policy to check whether that condition passes - so in the above example, an instance of `FooPolicy` also responds to `#is_public?` and `#thing?`.
A `rule` is a logical combination of conditions and other rules, that are configured to enable or prevent certain abilities. It is important to note that the rule configuration is static - a rule's logic cannot touch the database or know about `@user` or `@subject`. This allows us to cache only at the condition level. Rules are specified through the `rule` method, which takes a block of DSL configuration, and returns an object that responds to `#enable` or `#prevent`:
-`&` and `|` are logical combinations, also available as `all?(...)` and `any?(...)`.
-`can?(:other_ability)` delegates to the rules that apply to `:other_ability`. Note that this is distinct from the instance method `can?`, which can check dynamically - this only configures a delegation to another ability.
To see how the rules get evaluated into a judgment, open a Rails console and run: `policy.debug(:some_ability)`. This prints the rules in the order they are evaluated.
Sometimes, a condition only uses data from `@user` or only from `@subject`. In this case, we want to change the scope of the caching, so that we don't recalculate conditions unnecessarily. For example, given:
Naively, if we call `Ability.allowed?(user1, :some_ability, foo)` and `Ability.allowed?(user2, :some_ability, foo)`, we would have to calculate the condition twice - since they are for different users. But if we use the `scope: :subject` option:
then the result of the condition is cached globally only based on the subject - so it is not calculated repeatedly for different users. Similarly, `scope: :user` caches only based on the user.
Sometimes we are checking permissions for a lot of users for one subject, or a lot of subjects for one user. In this case, we want to set a *preferred scope* - that is, tell the system that we prefer rules that can be cached on the repeated parameter. For example, in `Ability.users_that_can_read_project`:
includes all rules from `ProjectPolicy`. The delegated conditions are evaluated with the correct delegated subject, and are sorted along with the regular rules in the policy. Note that only the relevant rules for a particular ability are actually considered.